Sunday, November 14, 2010

Certain group of conservatives: why do you hate Europe, particularly France, so much

Certain group of conservatives: why do you hate Europe, particularly France, so much?
*I said certain conservatives as I am also anti-abortion, pro-2nd Amendment, take a strong stance against crime, find much of modern popular culture coarse, prefer less govt. intervention in my personal life (such as what consenting adult I can have sex with or marry and what I may smoke in the privacy of my home ---very conservative ideals of limited govt.), and I like reading intelligent conservative writers/publications, e.g., The National Review, The Economist, The American Spectator, The American Conservative, David Horowitz, Charles Krauthammer, Pat Buchanan America owes its independence to France ---without Gen. Lafayette and the French help at Yorktown it is likely that we would never have own our independence. Also, France was one of the first countries to recognize our independence and they gave us the Statue of Liberty. They have a long and distinguished military history (look up Martel and Bonaparte and look up the Battle of the Marne ----even when they lost prior to WWII, they fought bravely to the death!) 2. Do you think that every single country in Europe has the same high taxes as Sweden and Germany? Where would you pick up this absurd notion ---it's about as logical as believing that all Americans earn the same exact salary ----go look up the tax rates for Ireland, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Malta and all the other countries. Some are high and some are moderate. 3. Where do you get this notion that Europeans are only allowed to use public, universal, "socialized" medicine? Why do you overlook that Britain and so many other countries also have a parallel private system ----hardly indicative of a truly socialist continent. Yes, there is private medicine in the nations of Europe, so stop pretending that everyone can only avail of public health care. 4. Gun control. Yes, Britain has draconian gun laws and so does Ireland, but Finland does not, neither does Switzerland, France permites licensed firearms and so do most of the other countries. 5. Freedom of speech ----all the nations of Europe save for Belarus have this, so why think that only your country has this particular liberty. 6. Euroweenies????? Considering how much blood has been spilled on that continent can you blame the nations of Europe for wanting to find alternate solutions besides genocide to work out differences? Why not walk into a bar in Belfast or Glasgow or Krakow or Helsinki and see how far that term will get you? Seriously, what is wrong with this particularly vociferous branch of right wingers and the Europe bashing ----I hear it all the time from the Beck/O'Reilly/Hannity/Limbaugh devotees who believe anything they hear ----I wouldn't care about these people and what they think if they weren't so vocal about their ignorance ----I stick to my own kind, people with advanced degrees, who speak several languages, read widely from writers with different viewpoints, have travelled widely, know Europeans as people, not as caricatures. Such ignorance yet so widely disseminated. Right, b/c genocide never went on in the new world ever. Tell that to the Aborigines or the Native Americans while you're at it. Only Europeans kill large amounts of people, eh? Er, "travelled" is spelled with two "l"s in most of the English-speaking world, and I was raised partially outside the USA in a country that was never saved militaristically by the US, thank you. I assume that if you see someone spell the word as "centre" you reprimand him as well for his lack of literacy. ...and nowhere in my text did I discredit the United States for its wartime efforts and heroism, however, 75% of German casualties took place on the Eastern Front, The United States fought alongside several other nations, most of whom stepped into the fray well before 1941. Also, explain to me just how you rescued Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus, the former Czechoslovakia and Hungary from Soviet domination. Oh, and it's so funny how if someone is a "dittohead" or a Beck follower who takes personal credit for liberating France well before his birth, he's an automatic socialist Obama supporter and America-hater. I guess being around so many ignorant people makes you forget that there are people with several conservative stances who do have a brain and prefer to use it. So, if one listens to Buchanan or went to college or has European friends, but is still anti abortion, pro-free market, loves the military, believes that the lazy aren't entitled to money supplied by the hard working he's a commie, lib pinko if he's not the cookie-cutter conservative of the Beck variety!
Politics - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
LOL conservatives hate France bc France did not back us with Iraq, much like the world, they were right.
2 :
France totally owned them on Iraq, hows them freedom fries tasting now?
3 :
Conservatives do not hate Europe or France. However Europe and France are dominated politically by the Radical Extreme Left. We consider the Radical Extreme Left to be silly, naive and irresponsible at best, but we do not hate them even though we might make fun of them and make humorous comments about them from time to time.
4 :
The so-called freedom of speech in Europe is not so free. Go to Europe and make some politically incorrect statement or deny the Holocaust occurred. You will see just how free your speech is. War is not by its definition "genocide". War is fought to defeat the other side. Genocide is used to ELIMINATE all traces of the other side. Learn the difference between the two. Generally, the tax rates for income (save corporate taxation) is higher in Europe than it is in the US. Corporate tax rates tend to be lower in Europe. European nations cast aside their sovereignty for the dream of a European Union. I am unsure why any nation would allow foreign nations to determine their policies and laws. I hope such a thing never occurs in the US.
5 :
I'm pretty fiscally conservative, but very socially liberal. 2. That's a pretty big misconception about Europe that they are all socialists and communists. 3. Their private and public systems work hand in hand together better then ours. 4. Australia. In France you don't really need a gun no hunting or home defense really. 5. America was founded on freedom so we just like to think we have freedom of everything. 6. Europeans have a long history of warfare and bloodshed since the Roman times. We Americans do give off a war mongering stance, but we haven't learned losing lots and lots of men can have very hard toll.
6 :
i dislike france because they are dix to us even though we twice saved them from the Germans because the french fight poorly, and surrender easily.
7 :
Heck, even Bono doesn't like the French. Its not just an American thing. Why people don't like Europe ? Maybe it was the 80 million people they killed in the last 100 years
8 :
The most concervative people live in small towns and rural areas and they don't like cities because they believe that people who live in cities look down on them for their lack of cultural , which is true. Their least favorite cities in the US are New York and San Francisco which are the cultural centers of the East and the West coast. In Europe the Cultural and fashion center is Paris. Sweden is more left wing, Germany has started more wars but the French are the ones that make fun of us, and that is what really matters. PS The English hate the French too
9 :
Seems you answered your own question for us by exposing your arrogant elitist greater than thou attitude ~ As you said ""I wouldn't care about these people and what they think if they weren't so vocal about their ignorance ----I stick to my own kind, people with advanced degrees, who speak several languages, read widely from writers with different viewpoints, have travelled widely, know Europeans as people, not as caricatures. Such ignorance yet so widely disseminated."""" That`s what real American`s don`t like about anyone !! Even with all that elitist knowledge you claim to have possession of , you still can`t spell "traveled" correctly ! So maybe you should stray from all the liberal lame stream bias` media`s talking point opinions that you agree with , and go back to trying to figure out who you really are ? Lest you forget , there wouldn`t be any France today if not for the USA saving their azzes ( and all of Europe ) in WWII !! Maybe you have forgotten there once was a Soviet Union that held all of Eastern Europe under it`s communist oppression for decades ? Why is Eastern Europe free today ? Why is there a United Germany today , and not an East & West Germany as there used to be ? Why is there no Berlin Wall in existence any longer ? Why ? All because the USA didn`t abandon them , fought for them , fought with them , and freed them ! If not America , then who else would have done it ? No One , that`s who !! Shove your arrogance where the sun don`t shine ! You and Obama may want to convince the world that America needs to apologize for these things , but the true American`s despise people like you; and the one`s you agree with for diminishing America`s charitable goodness and also the sacrificies that our brave men and women who have given for the freedoms of countries that coudn`t do it for themselves !
10 :
just because a person calls themselves "conservative" doesn't mean they're intelligent or even well read. otherwise for example they'd know finland has more civilian machineguns per capita than even switzerland (mainly do to an incredibly small population) and far more than the US
11 :
I'm a conservative and I love France. Traveled there many times. As for your little history lesson/rant above (I actually agree with you one most but it still comes off as ranting), just because something works in Western Europe, it does not mean it will ever work in the USA. Your comparing apples to oranges and our current administration would love the USA to become more akin to the Western European way of thinking than most Americans are willing to try. That's why the conservative pundits hate the idea. It will not work in the US. We love our liberty and are afraid of Big Federal Govt. coming and controlling our lives. Also, you come off as believing that all Europeans love their respective governments and I can tell you for fact that most of the hard working, MONEY making ones I have met DO NOT like the direction that their governments have taken them in. I love how loonies such as yourself listen to those conservative pundits and get frothing out the mouth. It's because of fear and you should be afraid. For every liberal in this country, there are six conservatives. Now that Obama has come into office, America has woken up out of lazy dream and the public is starting to take action! My advice to you is shut-up and turn off Fox News or leave.