Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Why does the USA think it's the greatest country

Why does the USA think it's the greatest country?
The United States of America clearly is not the happiest, most joyful, most livable, nor the most FREE country on Earth! (Especially when the distribution of wealth is far more equally spread in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Switzerland, Sweden, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and France, and there are more poor people than rich everywhere.) How many cities and towns in the USA can you spend your lunch our outside at a cafe eating delicious food with fountains and accordian and take a nature walk? Very few? Perhaps Californians and Vermonters and Oregoners have it best here? Most of America is based on littered streets with ummm...Quiznos and Subway and Starbucks and McDonalds and KFC??? In the USA the social culture is that there is no need to talk to someone unless 1) They are a family/friend who you already know, 2) You are buying or selling something to a customer, 3) You need help with directions. In France and other European countries, you can walk up to a random person and say "Heyyyyyyyyy look at that Elm Tree, isn't it pretty? Or you can just sing randomly or you can do anything besides work to raise your status. A person who holds an office job and does the same thing every day from 9 to 5 is viewed as a lesser status than a street musician barely surviving, in some European countries, because the virtures are more in the right place. Sometimes I get really depressed when I visit Europe and come back to the states. The first day back from France, I end up waking up real early from Jet Lag, then racing to the nearest art gallery store to find their paintings are lousy and the frames are mediocre and the food tastes like it's 15 days old compared to France. ? So is the USA really that great? The USA cities that seem the most depressing are cities like Charlotte, North Carolina. where it's all financial financial financial. Fort Worth, Texas.... Oklahoma City Jacksonville, Florida Fargo, North Dakota Wichita, Kansas A bunch of boring boring boring cities.
Politics - 30 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Because we are.....period.
2 :
Because I was born in it.
3 :
Because it is full of Americans.
4 :
Americans definitely have much better personal hygiene than the French.
5 :
who has the best military? We do Who gives the most charity? We do Who gives the most in humanitarian aid? We do Who has the most diverse population? We do Who has the best economy? We still do who has liberated the most? We have. Get out of here!
6 :
1. Because we are arrogant. 2. Because WE ARE the greatest.
7 :
It's not. The US is simply the last hope for a dying world.
8 :
Well... if that is the way you feel, next time you visit Europe, don't come back. Things are a lot different when you LIVE there and aren't just VISITING.
9 :
Your whole question is based around the principle that vacation is real life. I think you need to be disillusioned. You have to make the best of what you got...
10 :
we now think it used to be since the last 16 years it has gone down hill
11 :
"The country I live in is the best country. the god I believe in is the only god." These attitudes are pretty common throughout the world. Indoctrination probably has a lot to do with it.
12 :
we used to be a united country until the soviet union fell, then all the liberals came out of the dark like roaches spreading their filth and destruction around
13 :
Please move to another country of your choice. I don't think you'd ask that question spending a year somewhere else. (I'm talking taxes, gas prices, etc.)
14 :
Move to France, if you like it so much!
15 :
Next time you go to Europe, feel free to stay there. And do us a favor and don't vote absentee.
16 :
Because it is human nature to like your own country over every body else's.
17 :
"Because we are" You WERE :) "Americans definitely have much better personal hygiene than the French" Can't argue there :)
18 :
cause it is
19 :
lol LMAO Where do they find these people?
20 :
Actually, I think my life is better because I don't hear random accordion music on my street. And it's not littered, it's very pretty. I am not completely sure you've ever been to America, honestly.
21 :
Actually yes; one reason is we have the best real estate in the world. I was going to go on, but read more of your "question" and an awful lot of it is pure BS. I suspect you have never left the US. I have been to over 30 countries and am a citizen of the US and the UK. I have family in Europe and go every year, its great over there. But believe me, this is the place to be. Street musicians get more... never mind, I'm not going to bother...
22 :
so get your ass out of the us
23 :
Because it's true.
24 :
We're not the greatest country on Earth, but we're damn near it and full of the capability to become it <3 Those that really love this country will criticize it to make it even better.
25 :
26 :
Yes, capitalism really sucks doesn't it? Yes, just quit your job and become a street performer. It's so virtuous like you said. Much more than say designing a water system that delivers the water for your fountain to eat lunch around. What country always helps other countries when necessary? The United States. Who stopped genocide throughout Europe, through two world wars and even into the1990's (Bosnia)...yep the United States. We liberate countries and we always give them back. Iraq invaded Kuwait, we threw out Iraq's @ss and we didn't conquer Kuwait. We are in Afghanistan fighting the Taliban who is trying to take over the whole county there. I like all the countries you mentioned and they are our allies. I don't really care for France though, mainly because of most of the people. We have liberated them twice in two world wars, helped them rebuild their country and many of them hate us. I do like their president though.
27 :
Well, I would say you have a subjective view of what constitutes a great nation. You see material comfort as more important than freedom, cafes and bistros as greater than American fast food chains. You see socialized redistribution of wealth as preferable to capitalist hard work and personal achievement. If I lived in France, my job would be secure, stagnate and assured no matter how poorly I did that job. Here, I have the chance to work hard, distinguish myself and thus gain status, promotion and pay. Not so in the great socialist Utopia. Here hard work is rewarded, there it is not. Work, don’t work, it all pays the same. If you prefer a system where you can slack off and still get paid marginal wages, then pick France. If you prefer to work hard and advance yourself, choose the USA.
28 :
Because they have so little exposure to other countries through any forms of media and because they are brought up being taught from a very young age that if it is American, it is best.
29 :
because the whole country is run by free masons,the church,and word of mouth that it is the greatest place on earth..even if it is not,the world were told this and like a flock of brain washed religious peoples we believe...oh wait a second itis to do with religion.. please just google presidents of free masons in the .. USA.. and you will see what I am talking about..
30 :
It must be the greatest because we can't keep them out. Just like you they just keep coming back.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Why is it if transsexuals have won large settlements if they arn't covered under labor laws

Why is it if transsexuals have won large settlements if they arn't covered under labor laws?
Why is it if transsexuals have won large settlements if they arn't covered under labor laws? those that answered a similar question stating I'm wrong need to read the letter of the law you CAN NOT be discriminated because of your sexual origin. meaning if you were man now woman hello. walmart settled and is now the biggest employer of transgender employees Sexual Harassment Learn your rights. against transsexuals is per se illegal, City of Salem merely involved a unique application of a sex-stereotyping theory articulated by the United States Supreme Court in 1989 in Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins.3 This theory holds that under Title VII, actionable sex discrimination occurs if one is targeted because of a failure to conform to sex norms 2 days ago - 1 day left to answer. Additional Details 2 days ago Court of Justice in Luxembourg ruled Cornwall College violated the non-discrimination provision when it dismissed a British transsexual who had undergone gender reassignment 2 days ago the laws of some states and some local governments do also provide such protection. Some of these laws are similar to Title VII and prohibit employers from discriminating because of sexual orientation. Some of these laws require employers to provide employees' domestic partners with the same benefits (such as health insurance) that are provided for spouses. Some do both 2 days ago employer may not refuse to hire or promote or bar or discharge from employment or discriminate in compensation, terms, conditions or privileges of employment because a person is transsexual when the person is otherwise qualified (OAR 839-006-0206). 2 days ago “Gender identity” in the Benton County Ordinance is defined to include “the status of being transsexual or transgender” (Ord. 98-0139, §28.005). 2 days ago The City of Salem defines “gender identity” as “A person’s actual or perceived sex, including a person’s identity, appearance, expression, or behavior with respect to actual or perceived sex, whether or not that identity, appearance, expression or behavior is different from that traditionally associated with the person’s sex at birth” (97.010). 2 days ago ordinances also specify that employers must provide “reasonable and appropriate accommodations permitting all persons access to restrooms consistent with their expressed gender” (§23.01.040 (Portland), Ord. 969 §15.346 (Multnomah County), 97.085 (Salem)). 2 days ago Employers should take a stand against this gender identity discrimination as our government already has. Everyone deserves to live and work with equality. Good employees should not lose their job, or face harassment in the workplace, just because of their gender identity 2 days ago As of August 2003, 68 million people (24% of the U.S. population) live within jurisdictions with non-discrimination laws that apply to transgender/transsexual people.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered - 2 Answers
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1 :
You are confused. Most recent court decisions have gone against us. And those include some cases relying on the Price-Waterhouse precedent. The courts are now saying that people born transsexual are NOT covered by laws that cover cisgender folks. In essence they are saying we have no civil rights. That is why it is so important to get included in hate crimes legislation (Bush vetoed) and in ENDA (we were removed). I have a return question for you. Can you show me these "large settlements"? I doubt you can produuce any thing from the last decade.
2 :
I agree with the above post. Also: -City of Salem was a 6th Circuit case, so it is far from a national precedent. -Title VII is Civil Rights law, not "labor" law, although it can apply when civil rights are violated in the context of working. -I am still unclear on what your question is.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Have you heard about little missing Yeremi

Have you heard about little missing Yeremi?
Spain’s sun-kissed Canary Islands, where thousands of British holidaymakers will shortly head, have been convulsed by the disappearance of a 7-year-old boy, the second time in recent months that a child has gone missing in mysterious circumstances. More than 2,000 volunteers combed the island of Gran Canaria this weekend amid growing public fears that a paedophile could be at work on the Spanish archipelago, which is preparing to receive hundreds of thousands of Easter sun-seekers. Soldiers with sniffer dogs and police divers have joined the search for Yeremi Vargas, as security was tightened at local ports and airports. More than 10,000 posters bearing the boy’s smiling face have appeared throughout the Canary Islands and thousands of residents have gathered in town squares appealing for his safe return. Police have received hundreds of calls from people claiming to have seen the boy in places as far afield as Asturias, in the north of Spain, and even Luxembourg. An old-age pensioner reportedly put her small monthly payment up as a reward for his return. “They have taken my son and are doing something awful to him,” said his disconsolate mother, Ithaysa, who is just 24-years old and has another one-year-old baby. Family members have said they have scarcely been able to eat or sleep since Yeremi disappeared nine days ago on the archipelago’s third largest island. The mother has had to be sedated. Yeremi vanished on March 10 while playing in the street outside his home. His aunt, Milagros, described him as shy and easily frightened, insisting that he would not have gone-off willingly with a stranger. They immediately contacted the police, who stopped any boats from leaving the island and searched any that had already left when they reached their destinations. They say they are confident the boy has not left the Canary Islands. Police have appealed for people to remain calm, saying they have not ruled out any lines of enquiry. They have interviewed family members, neighbours and his teachers for leads. “No theory has been ruled out,” the police said, “from extortion to an accident, from kidnapping to a link with some type of network.” But residents of the islands off the coast of Africa already fear the worst. Last July, a 14-year-old girl named Sara Morales vanished from Las Palmas, the main city on Gran Canaria, while on her way to a shopping centre, never to be found. Police say there is no evidence to link the two cases. Edit: Hi Swift Malone! Different people react differently. Culture plays a huge role. Never mind that, just read a link regarding Madeleine (17pdr's) where there was a reference to Yeremi's Mum stating that her family had learnt a few lessons from the McCanns regarding getting media attention for their Madeleine & how she wished Yeremi would get the same worldwide media attention. Figured the least i could do was post a Q on little Yeremi in the hope that more people would learn about him. Spread the news, will you please? i know its not new news but better late than never, don't you think? Thanks... Edit: Swift, i understand what you're saying but Kate was specifically instructed by Behavioural experts not to cry & not to show emotion to prevent the abductor from getting a kick out of it. Can you imagine that kind of numbing pain? She couldn't even express her grief in the fear that her baby's abductor would get a kick out of it. And she did it. For her Madeleine. And shes blamed for it. She herself can't recognise herself in the early footage clips of herself. Can you imagine how tough that is. Seeting little Yeremi today in your link, i don't feel like smiling myself. Wouldn't it have been far far easier for her to cry loads of crocodile tears? Thats socially acceptable & expected. But then everyone would have said she's putting on a show.
Current Events - 4 Answers
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1 :
I don't think Spain is safe now for family holidays.Its scary.
2 :
This is a typical abduction, with parents and family reacting on a typical manner. If Ithaysa Suarez starts playing tennis and smiling for the press photos, I'd change my mind. I hope they really sealed off the Island, altough I know that it's conpletely impossible to do so. Gran Canaria is well known for its endless possibilities for a swift and discreet docking. About Spain being safe or not... nowhere is. This is the times we live in. The times we created with our frantic need to protect the perpretators instead of the victims. This is the age of political correctness. Why this news now, Faith? Edit@Faith: Culture, Faith? I've dealt with grieving moms from countries where theoretically, people are... cold... like Bosnia and Macedonia. Don't go there. Smiling is completely impossible. Trust me, trust the specialists: Impossible. About This Spanish kid, first on the right, second row. http://www.policiajudiciaria.pt/htm/pessoas.htm Plus this: http://www.interpol.com/Public/Children/Missing/Search/ResultList.asp?EntityName=&EntityForename=&EntityNationality=SPAIN&EntityAgeBetween=6&EntityAgeAnd=8&EntitySex=&EntityEyeColor=&EntityHairColor=&EntityFullText=&cboNbHitsPerPage=8&Search=Search
3 :
Before everyone stops travelling to Spain and Portugal - check how many kids go missing in the UK annually - we are talking 10s or thousands.
4 :
I don't think anywhere can be deemed safe, there are those who commit heinous crimes everywhere. Tragically a typical scenario abduction, and trying to imagine the parents grief is bad enough. I note the reaction of the family and that the poor mother has had to be sedated, not surprising at all for any loving parent. As to your edit, thinking about this is enough to make me ill and no matter what anyone advised, I wouldn't be able to control my deep sorrow and anguish, let alone function... Nothing can hide when a person is broken inside and losing a child would be enough to destroy. Eating, sleeping or being aware would be something of a comatose state and from what I have seen over the past year has disturbed me greatly...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

world history questions please help

world history questions please help!?
History has never been my stronger subject. I am having difficulty finding these answers can someone pplease help me or at least lead me in the right direction? THANK YOU! The Bolsheviks believed that a socialist society A could be achieved through parliamentary action. B must be the work of the masses. C could be achieved through a peasant-led revolution. D could be introduced by a small group of dedicated revolutionaries. The Slavic territories annexed by Austria-Hungary in 1908 were A Alsace-Lorraine. B Bosnia-Herzegovina. C Serbia and Albania. D Serbia and Montenegro. Rasputin was a mystical healer and adviser to A Nicholas II. B Winston Churchill. C Woodrow Wilson. D Otto von Bismarck. The term for an understanding--but not an alliance--between two nations is A entente. B cordon sanitaire. C contraband. D armistice. Germany ignored an 1839 treaty that guaranteed the neutrality of A Serbia. B Belgium. C England. D Luxembourg.
History - 2 Answers
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1 :
1) D 2) B 3) A 4) A 5) B
2 :
D I guess. B A A B