Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Why does the USA think it's the greatest country

Why does the USA think it's the greatest country?
The United States of America clearly is not the happiest, most joyful, most livable, nor the most FREE country on Earth! (Especially when the distribution of wealth is far more equally spread in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Switzerland, Sweden, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and France, and there are more poor people than rich everywhere.) How many cities and towns in the USA can you spend your lunch our outside at a cafe eating delicious food with fountains and accordian and take a nature walk? Very few? Perhaps Californians and Vermonters and Oregoners have it best here? Most of America is based on littered streets with ummm...Quiznos and Subway and Starbucks and McDonalds and KFC??? In the USA the social culture is that there is no need to talk to someone unless 1) They are a family/friend who you already know, 2) You are buying or selling something to a customer, 3) You need help with directions. In France and other European countries, you can walk up to a random person and say "Heyyyyyyyyy look at that Elm Tree, isn't it pretty? Or you can just sing randomly or you can do anything besides work to raise your status. A person who holds an office job and does the same thing every day from 9 to 5 is viewed as a lesser status than a street musician barely surviving, in some European countries, because the virtures are more in the right place. Sometimes I get really depressed when I visit Europe and come back to the states. The first day back from France, I end up waking up real early from Jet Lag, then racing to the nearest art gallery store to find their paintings are lousy and the frames are mediocre and the food tastes like it's 15 days old compared to France. ? So is the USA really that great? The USA cities that seem the most depressing are cities like Charlotte, North Carolina. where it's all financial financial financial. Fort Worth, Texas.... Oklahoma City Jacksonville, Florida Fargo, North Dakota Wichita, Kansas A bunch of boring boring boring cities.
Politics - 30 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Because we are.....period.
2 :
Because I was born in it.
3 :
Because it is full of Americans.
4 :
Americans definitely have much better personal hygiene than the French.
5 :
who has the best military? We do Who gives the most charity? We do Who gives the most in humanitarian aid? We do Who has the most diverse population? We do Who has the best economy? We still do who has liberated the most? We have. Get out of here!
6 :
1. Because we are arrogant. 2. Because WE ARE the greatest.
7 :
It's not. The US is simply the last hope for a dying world.
8 :
Well... if that is the way you feel, next time you visit Europe, don't come back. Things are a lot different when you LIVE there and aren't just VISITING.
9 :
Your whole question is based around the principle that vacation is real life. I think you need to be disillusioned. You have to make the best of what you got...
10 :
we now think it used to be since the last 16 years it has gone down hill
11 :
"The country I live in is the best country. the god I believe in is the only god." These attitudes are pretty common throughout the world. Indoctrination probably has a lot to do with it.
12 :
we used to be a united country until the soviet union fell, then all the liberals came out of the dark like roaches spreading their filth and destruction around
13 :
Please move to another country of your choice. I don't think you'd ask that question spending a year somewhere else. (I'm talking taxes, gas prices, etc.)
14 :
Move to France, if you like it so much!
15 :
Next time you go to Europe, feel free to stay there. And do us a favor and don't vote absentee.
16 :
Because it is human nature to like your own country over every body else's.
17 :
"Because we are" You WERE :) "Americans definitely have much better personal hygiene than the French" Can't argue there :)
18 :
cause it is
19 :
lol LMAO Where do they find these people?
20 :
Actually, I think my life is better because I don't hear random accordion music on my street. And it's not littered, it's very pretty. I am not completely sure you've ever been to America, honestly.
21 :
Actually yes; one reason is we have the best real estate in the world. I was going to go on, but read more of your "question" and an awful lot of it is pure BS. I suspect you have never left the US. I have been to over 30 countries and am a citizen of the US and the UK. I have family in Europe and go every year, its great over there. But believe me, this is the place to be. Street musicians get more... never mind, I'm not going to bother...
22 :
so get your ass out of the us
23 :
Because it's true.
24 :
We're not the greatest country on Earth, but we're damn near it and full of the capability to become it <3 Those that really love this country will criticize it to make it even better.
25 :
26 :
Yes, capitalism really sucks doesn't it? Yes, just quit your job and become a street performer. It's so virtuous like you said. Much more than say designing a water system that delivers the water for your fountain to eat lunch around. What country always helps other countries when necessary? The United States. Who stopped genocide throughout Europe, through two world wars and even into the1990's (Bosnia)...yep the United States. We liberate countries and we always give them back. Iraq invaded Kuwait, we threw out Iraq's @ss and we didn't conquer Kuwait. We are in Afghanistan fighting the Taliban who is trying to take over the whole county there. I like all the countries you mentioned and they are our allies. I don't really care for France though, mainly because of most of the people. We have liberated them twice in two world wars, helped them rebuild their country and many of them hate us. I do like their president though.
27 :
Well, I would say you have a subjective view of what constitutes a great nation. You see material comfort as more important than freedom, cafes and bistros as greater than American fast food chains. You see socialized redistribution of wealth as preferable to capitalist hard work and personal achievement. If I lived in France, my job would be secure, stagnate and assured no matter how poorly I did that job. Here, I have the chance to work hard, distinguish myself and thus gain status, promotion and pay. Not so in the great socialist Utopia. Here hard work is rewarded, there it is not. Work, don’t work, it all pays the same. If you prefer a system where you can slack off and still get paid marginal wages, then pick France. If you prefer to work hard and advance yourself, choose the USA.
28 :
Because they have so little exposure to other countries through any forms of media and because they are brought up being taught from a very young age that if it is American, it is best.
29 :
because the whole country is run by free masons,the church,and word of mouth that it is the greatest place on earth..even if it is not,the world were told this and like a flock of brain washed religious peoples we believe...oh wait a second itis to do with religion.. please just google presidents of free masons in the .. USA.. and you will see what I am talking about..
30 :
It must be the greatest because we can't keep them out. Just like you they just keep coming back.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Why is it if transsexuals have won large settlements if they arn't covered under labor laws

Why is it if transsexuals have won large settlements if they arn't covered under labor laws?
Why is it if transsexuals have won large settlements if they arn't covered under labor laws? those that answered a similar question stating I'm wrong need to read the letter of the law you CAN NOT be discriminated because of your sexual origin. meaning if you were man now woman hello. walmart settled and is now the biggest employer of transgender employees Sexual Harassment Learn your rights. against transsexuals is per se illegal, City of Salem merely involved a unique application of a sex-stereotyping theory articulated by the United States Supreme Court in 1989 in Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins.3 This theory holds that under Title VII, actionable sex discrimination occurs if one is targeted because of a failure to conform to sex norms 2 days ago - 1 day left to answer. Additional Details 2 days ago Court of Justice in Luxembourg ruled Cornwall College violated the non-discrimination provision when it dismissed a British transsexual who had undergone gender reassignment 2 days ago the laws of some states and some local governments do also provide such protection. Some of these laws are similar to Title VII and prohibit employers from discriminating because of sexual orientation. Some of these laws require employers to provide employees' domestic partners with the same benefits (such as health insurance) that are provided for spouses. Some do both 2 days ago employer may not refuse to hire or promote or bar or discharge from employment or discriminate in compensation, terms, conditions or privileges of employment because a person is transsexual when the person is otherwise qualified (OAR 839-006-0206). 2 days ago “Gender identity” in the Benton County Ordinance is defined to include “the status of being transsexual or transgender” (Ord. 98-0139, §28.005). 2 days ago The City of Salem defines “gender identity” as “A person’s actual or perceived sex, including a person’s identity, appearance, expression, or behavior with respect to actual or perceived sex, whether or not that identity, appearance, expression or behavior is different from that traditionally associated with the person’s sex at birth” (97.010). 2 days ago ordinances also specify that employers must provide “reasonable and appropriate accommodations permitting all persons access to restrooms consistent with their expressed gender” (§23.01.040 (Portland), Ord. 969 §15.346 (Multnomah County), 97.085 (Salem)). 2 days ago Employers should take a stand against this gender identity discrimination as our government already has. Everyone deserves to live and work with equality. Good employees should not lose their job, or face harassment in the workplace, just because of their gender identity 2 days ago As of August 2003, 68 million people (24% of the U.S. population) live within jurisdictions with non-discrimination laws that apply to transgender/transsexual people.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You are confused. Most recent court decisions have gone against us. And those include some cases relying on the Price-Waterhouse precedent. The courts are now saying that people born transsexual are NOT covered by laws that cover cisgender folks. In essence they are saying we have no civil rights. That is why it is so important to get included in hate crimes legislation (Bush vetoed) and in ENDA (we were removed). I have a return question for you. Can you show me these "large settlements"? I doubt you can produuce any thing from the last decade.
2 :
I agree with the above post. Also: -City of Salem was a 6th Circuit case, so it is far from a national precedent. -Title VII is Civil Rights law, not "labor" law, although it can apply when civil rights are violated in the context of working. -I am still unclear on what your question is.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Have you heard about little missing Yeremi

Have you heard about little missing Yeremi?
Spain’s sun-kissed Canary Islands, where thousands of British holidaymakers will shortly head, have been convulsed by the disappearance of a 7-year-old boy, the second time in recent months that a child has gone missing in mysterious circumstances. More than 2,000 volunteers combed the island of Gran Canaria this weekend amid growing public fears that a paedophile could be at work on the Spanish archipelago, which is preparing to receive hundreds of thousands of Easter sun-seekers. Soldiers with sniffer dogs and police divers have joined the search for Yeremi Vargas, as security was tightened at local ports and airports. More than 10,000 posters bearing the boy’s smiling face have appeared throughout the Canary Islands and thousands of residents have gathered in town squares appealing for his safe return. Police have received hundreds of calls from people claiming to have seen the boy in places as far afield as Asturias, in the north of Spain, and even Luxembourg. An old-age pensioner reportedly put her small monthly payment up as a reward for his return. “They have taken my son and are doing something awful to him,” said his disconsolate mother, Ithaysa, who is just 24-years old and has another one-year-old baby. Family members have said they have scarcely been able to eat or sleep since Yeremi disappeared nine days ago on the archipelago’s third largest island. The mother has had to be sedated. Yeremi vanished on March 10 while playing in the street outside his home. His aunt, Milagros, described him as shy and easily frightened, insisting that he would not have gone-off willingly with a stranger. They immediately contacted the police, who stopped any boats from leaving the island and searched any that had already left when they reached their destinations. They say they are confident the boy has not left the Canary Islands. Police have appealed for people to remain calm, saying they have not ruled out any lines of enquiry. They have interviewed family members, neighbours and his teachers for leads. “No theory has been ruled out,” the police said, “from extortion to an accident, from kidnapping to a link with some type of network.” But residents of the islands off the coast of Africa already fear the worst. Last July, a 14-year-old girl named Sara Morales vanished from Las Palmas, the main city on Gran Canaria, while on her way to a shopping centre, never to be found. Police say there is no evidence to link the two cases. Edit: Hi Swift Malone! Different people react differently. Culture plays a huge role. Never mind that, just read a link regarding Madeleine (17pdr's) where there was a reference to Yeremi's Mum stating that her family had learnt a few lessons from the McCanns regarding getting media attention for their Madeleine & how she wished Yeremi would get the same worldwide media attention. Figured the least i could do was post a Q on little Yeremi in the hope that more people would learn about him. Spread the news, will you please? i know its not new news but better late than never, don't you think? Thanks... Edit: Swift, i understand what you're saying but Kate was specifically instructed by Behavioural experts not to cry & not to show emotion to prevent the abductor from getting a kick out of it. Can you imagine that kind of numbing pain? She couldn't even express her grief in the fear that her baby's abductor would get a kick out of it. And she did it. For her Madeleine. And shes blamed for it. She herself can't recognise herself in the early footage clips of herself. Can you imagine how tough that is. Seeting little Yeremi today in your link, i don't feel like smiling myself. Wouldn't it have been far far easier for her to cry loads of crocodile tears? Thats socially acceptable & expected. But then everyone would have said she's putting on a show.
Current Events - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I don't think Spain is safe now for family holidays.Its scary.
2 :
This is a typical abduction, with parents and family reacting on a typical manner. If Ithaysa Suarez starts playing tennis and smiling for the press photos, I'd change my mind. I hope they really sealed off the Island, altough I know that it's conpletely impossible to do so. Gran Canaria is well known for its endless possibilities for a swift and discreet docking. About Spain being safe or not... nowhere is. This is the times we live in. The times we created with our frantic need to protect the perpretators instead of the victims. This is the age of political correctness. Why this news now, Faith? Edit@Faith: Culture, Faith? I've dealt with grieving moms from countries where theoretically, people are... cold... like Bosnia and Macedonia. Don't go there. Smiling is completely impossible. Trust me, trust the specialists: Impossible. About This Spanish kid, first on the right, second row. http://www.policiajudiciaria.pt/htm/pessoas.htm Plus this: http://www.interpol.com/Public/Children/Missing/Search/ResultList.asp?EntityName=&EntityForename=&EntityNationality=SPAIN&EntityAgeBetween=6&EntityAgeAnd=8&EntitySex=&EntityEyeColor=&EntityHairColor=&EntityFullText=&cboNbHitsPerPage=8&Search=Search
3 :
Before everyone stops travelling to Spain and Portugal - check how many kids go missing in the UK annually - we are talking 10s or thousands.
4 :
I don't think anywhere can be deemed safe, there are those who commit heinous crimes everywhere. Tragically a typical scenario abduction, and trying to imagine the parents grief is bad enough. I note the reaction of the family and that the poor mother has had to be sedated, not surprising at all for any loving parent. As to your edit, thinking about this is enough to make me ill and no matter what anyone advised, I wouldn't be able to control my deep sorrow and anguish, let alone function... Nothing can hide when a person is broken inside and losing a child would be enough to destroy. Eating, sleeping or being aware would be something of a comatose state and from what I have seen over the past year has disturbed me greatly...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

world history questions please help

world history questions please help!?
History has never been my stronger subject. I am having difficulty finding these answers can someone pplease help me or at least lead me in the right direction? THANK YOU! The Bolsheviks believed that a socialist society A could be achieved through parliamentary action. B must be the work of the masses. C could be achieved through a peasant-led revolution. D could be introduced by a small group of dedicated revolutionaries. The Slavic territories annexed by Austria-Hungary in 1908 were A Alsace-Lorraine. B Bosnia-Herzegovina. C Serbia and Albania. D Serbia and Montenegro. Rasputin was a mystical healer and adviser to A Nicholas II. B Winston Churchill. C Woodrow Wilson. D Otto von Bismarck. The term for an understanding--but not an alliance--between two nations is A entente. B cordon sanitaire. C contraband. D armistice. Germany ignored an 1839 treaty that guaranteed the neutrality of A Serbia. B Belgium. C England. D Luxembourg.
History - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
1) D 2) B 3) A 4) A 5) B
2 :
D I guess. B A A B

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I'm thinking of traveling to the following cities in Europe. Thoughts

I'm thinking of traveling to the following cities in Europe. Thoughts?
I'm thinking of traveling to the following cities in Europe next year in the summer. I don't know if I can see everything, but these are the places on my list. I'd like some general suggestions, anything would do, such as must-see places in city, recommended things to do, and even nearby cities that I should make the effort of visiting. I think these cities are pretty much accessible because they're all nearby in some way and it's easy to travel from one to another. I sort of put them in order of how I would visit them, but if someone thinks the order doesn't really work, please let me know. I'm thinking of traveling by train for most of the cities, but by airplane when necessary. Amsterdam Bruges Brussels Luxembourg Salzburg Vienna Budapest Prague Krakow Warsaw Berlin
Other - Europe - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Your itinerary seems ok for Holland / Belgium / Luxembourg. I guess you have already an idea about the "classics" in each city so I'll give you some alternatives. Amsterdam: Make a bicycle tour around the Ijselmeer to Lelystad, take the Ferry to Volendam and ride back to Amsterdam. Bruges: Make a bicycle tour along the Damse vaart to Damme. Damme is the Hometown of Tyl Uylenspiegel (book). Tip: Watch the movie "In Bruges" with Colin Farell Brussels: Visit "Rue the Boucher" - restaurant district - for the atmosphere but don't eat there. Instead dine in the Belgaqueen restaurant near the opera. http://www.belgaqueen.be/ If you are a good sport you might enjoy a rolllerparade in the evening: a guided in-line skating tour in and around the major cities in Belgium. You usually can rent the necessary material. For Bruges: http://debrugserollerparade.be/ For other main cities: http://www.belgiumrollers.com/ If you have the possiblity and haven't been there I would add somewhere London and Paris as well. Welcome to the old continent and have fun!
2 :
If you want to go to Budapest check this: http://www.budapesttips.co.uk/ ! There are a lot of information about Budapest, accommodation, sights and attractions. Give a try for Budapest:) The prices are very cheap, and the hungarian kitchen is amazing:)
3 :
add Ljubljana. you can put it between Vienna and Budapest.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Certain group of conservatives: why do you hate Europe, particularly France, so much

Certain group of conservatives: why do you hate Europe, particularly France, so much?
*I said certain conservatives as I am also anti-abortion, pro-2nd Amendment, take a strong stance against crime, find much of modern popular culture coarse, prefer less govt. intervention in my personal life (such as what consenting adult I can have sex with or marry and what I may smoke in the privacy of my home ---very conservative ideals of limited govt.), and I like reading intelligent conservative writers/publications, e.g., The National Review, The Economist, The American Spectator, The American Conservative, David Horowitz, Charles Krauthammer, Pat Buchanan America owes its independence to France ---without Gen. Lafayette and the French help at Yorktown it is likely that we would never have own our independence. Also, France was one of the first countries to recognize our independence and they gave us the Statue of Liberty. They have a long and distinguished military history (look up Martel and Bonaparte and look up the Battle of the Marne ----even when they lost prior to WWII, they fought bravely to the death!) 2. Do you think that every single country in Europe has the same high taxes as Sweden and Germany? Where would you pick up this absurd notion ---it's about as logical as believing that all Americans earn the same exact salary ----go look up the tax rates for Ireland, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Malta and all the other countries. Some are high and some are moderate. 3. Where do you get this notion that Europeans are only allowed to use public, universal, "socialized" medicine? Why do you overlook that Britain and so many other countries also have a parallel private system ----hardly indicative of a truly socialist continent. Yes, there is private medicine in the nations of Europe, so stop pretending that everyone can only avail of public health care. 4. Gun control. Yes, Britain has draconian gun laws and so does Ireland, but Finland does not, neither does Switzerland, France permites licensed firearms and so do most of the other countries. 5. Freedom of speech ----all the nations of Europe save for Belarus have this, so why think that only your country has this particular liberty. 6. Euroweenies????? Considering how much blood has been spilled on that continent can you blame the nations of Europe for wanting to find alternate solutions besides genocide to work out differences? Why not walk into a bar in Belfast or Glasgow or Krakow or Helsinki and see how far that term will get you? Seriously, what is wrong with this particularly vociferous branch of right wingers and the Europe bashing ----I hear it all the time from the Beck/O'Reilly/Hannity/Limbaugh devotees who believe anything they hear ----I wouldn't care about these people and what they think if they weren't so vocal about their ignorance ----I stick to my own kind, people with advanced degrees, who speak several languages, read widely from writers with different viewpoints, have travelled widely, know Europeans as people, not as caricatures. Such ignorance yet so widely disseminated. Right, b/c genocide never went on in the new world ever. Tell that to the Aborigines or the Native Americans while you're at it. Only Europeans kill large amounts of people, eh? Er, "travelled" is spelled with two "l"s in most of the English-speaking world, and I was raised partially outside the USA in a country that was never saved militaristically by the US, thank you. I assume that if you see someone spell the word as "centre" you reprimand him as well for his lack of literacy. ...and nowhere in my text did I discredit the United States for its wartime efforts and heroism, however, 75% of German casualties took place on the Eastern Front, The United States fought alongside several other nations, most of whom stepped into the fray well before 1941. Also, explain to me just how you rescued Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus, the former Czechoslovakia and Hungary from Soviet domination. Oh, and it's so funny how if someone is a "dittohead" or a Beck follower who takes personal credit for liberating France well before his birth, he's an automatic socialist Obama supporter and America-hater. I guess being around so many ignorant people makes you forget that there are people with several conservative stances who do have a brain and prefer to use it. So, if one listens to Buchanan or went to college or has European friends, but is still anti abortion, pro-free market, loves the military, believes that the lazy aren't entitled to money supplied by the hard working he's a commie, lib pinko if he's not the cookie-cutter conservative of the Beck variety!
Politics - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
LOL conservatives hate France bc France did not back us with Iraq, much like the world, they were right.
2 :
France totally owned them on Iraq, hows them freedom fries tasting now?
3 :
Conservatives do not hate Europe or France. However Europe and France are dominated politically by the Radical Extreme Left. We consider the Radical Extreme Left to be silly, naive and irresponsible at best, but we do not hate them even though we might make fun of them and make humorous comments about them from time to time.
4 :
The so-called freedom of speech in Europe is not so free. Go to Europe and make some politically incorrect statement or deny the Holocaust occurred. You will see just how free your speech is. War is not by its definition "genocide". War is fought to defeat the other side. Genocide is used to ELIMINATE all traces of the other side. Learn the difference between the two. Generally, the tax rates for income (save corporate taxation) is higher in Europe than it is in the US. Corporate tax rates tend to be lower in Europe. European nations cast aside their sovereignty for the dream of a European Union. I am unsure why any nation would allow foreign nations to determine their policies and laws. I hope such a thing never occurs in the US.
5 :
I'm pretty fiscally conservative, but very socially liberal. 2. That's a pretty big misconception about Europe that they are all socialists and communists. 3. Their private and public systems work hand in hand together better then ours. 4. Australia. In France you don't really need a gun no hunting or home defense really. 5. America was founded on freedom so we just like to think we have freedom of everything. 6. Europeans have a long history of warfare and bloodshed since the Roman times. We Americans do give off a war mongering stance, but we haven't learned losing lots and lots of men can have very hard toll.
6 :
i dislike france because they are dix to us even though we twice saved them from the Germans because the french fight poorly, and surrender easily.
7 :
Heck, even Bono doesn't like the French. Its not just an American thing. Why people don't like Europe ? Maybe it was the 80 million people they killed in the last 100 years
8 :
The most concervative people live in small towns and rural areas and they don't like cities because they believe that people who live in cities look down on them for their lack of cultural , which is true. Their least favorite cities in the US are New York and San Francisco which are the cultural centers of the East and the West coast. In Europe the Cultural and fashion center is Paris. Sweden is more left wing, Germany has started more wars but the French are the ones that make fun of us, and that is what really matters. PS The English hate the French too
9 :
Seems you answered your own question for us by exposing your arrogant elitist greater than thou attitude ~ As you said ""I wouldn't care about these people and what they think if they weren't so vocal about their ignorance ----I stick to my own kind, people with advanced degrees, who speak several languages, read widely from writers with different viewpoints, have travelled widely, know Europeans as people, not as caricatures. Such ignorance yet so widely disseminated."""" That`s what real American`s don`t like about anyone !! Even with all that elitist knowledge you claim to have possession of , you still can`t spell "traveled" correctly ! So maybe you should stray from all the liberal lame stream bias` media`s talking point opinions that you agree with , and go back to trying to figure out who you really are ? Lest you forget , there wouldn`t be any France today if not for the USA saving their azzes ( and all of Europe ) in WWII !! Maybe you have forgotten there once was a Soviet Union that held all of Eastern Europe under it`s communist oppression for decades ? Why is Eastern Europe free today ? Why is there a United Germany today , and not an East & West Germany as there used to be ? Why is there no Berlin Wall in existence any longer ? Why ? All because the USA didn`t abandon them , fought for them , fought with them , and freed them ! If not America , then who else would have done it ? No One , that`s who !! Shove your arrogance where the sun don`t shine ! You and Obama may want to convince the world that America needs to apologize for these things , but the true American`s despise people like you; and the one`s you agree with for diminishing America`s charitable goodness and also the sacrificies that our brave men and women who have given for the freedoms of countries that coudn`t do it for themselves !
10 :
just because a person calls themselves "conservative" doesn't mean they're intelligent or even well read. otherwise for example they'd know finland has more civilian machineguns per capita than even switzerland (mainly do to an incredibly small population) and far more than the US
11 :
I'm a conservative and I love France. Traveled there many times. As for your little history lesson/rant above (I actually agree with you one most but it still comes off as ranting), just because something works in Western Europe, it does not mean it will ever work in the USA. Your comparing apples to oranges and our current administration would love the USA to become more akin to the Western European way of thinking than most Americans are willing to try. That's why the conservative pundits hate the idea. It will not work in the US. We love our liberty and are afraid of Big Federal Govt. coming and controlling our lives. Also, you come off as believing that all Europeans love their respective governments and I can tell you for fact that most of the hard working, MONEY making ones I have met DO NOT like the direction that their governments have taken them in. I love how loonies such as yourself listen to those conservative pundits and get frothing out the mouth. It's because of fear and you should be afraid. For every liberal in this country, there are six conservatives. Now that Obama has come into office, America has woken up out of lazy dream and the public is starting to take action! My advice to you is shut-up and turn off Fox News or leave.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Why do people think the U.S. is better than the E.U

Why do people think the U.S. is better than the E.U?
When you consider it, life the European Union is much better than the life in the United States in almost every way. The E.U has a larger economy, more wealth, more citizens, better education and better quality of life. Population Size: The European Union (EU) has about 500 million citizens (492 million according to some figures). The United States only has 310 million citizens. Economy: The European Union has the worlds largest economy. Europe also has the most Fortune 500 companies. The Euro (currency) is stronger than the US dollar. The United States is the country with the largest debt in the world. The external debt of the U.S.A is more than $13,399,859,000,000.00 (94% of GDP in 2009) Wealth The European Union has a GDP (millions of USD) of $16,447,259, whereas the United States only has $14,256,275 (in 2009) . In terms of overall gross domestic product (GDP) at purchasing power parity (PPP) per capita, the United States only ranks 6th in the world, behind several European countries who are on top of the list. The E.U has the highest GDP (purchasing power parity) in the world. Several European countries (such as Luxembourg, Norway, Iceland, Ireland, Switzerland and Denmark) has a higher GDP (per capita) than the United States (in other words, people are wealthier than in the U.S.) In several European countries people work fewer hours than anyone else in the world, yet European countries are also among the most productive in the world. US workers are claimed to be the world's most productive, but they put in more hours than Europeans to score higher, according to a study by the United Nations. World View & Culture The average citizen in the United States has a very limited view and understanding of the world. Only one in five Americans has a passport. The number of Americans who have a passport, according to the State Department, is 68 million, or around 22% of the population. That means roughly only 1 out of 4.5 Americans can even visit Canada, let alone travel to anywhere else in the world. So, only about 22% of Americans own a passport and only 10% of those actually leave the country. Multilingual: The majority of European citizens speak more than one language. Most Europeans can speak at least two languages, and a significant amount can even speak three or more languages. English is the language most widely spoken in the EU, even though only 16% speak English as their mother tongue. Nearly 50% of all EU citizens can speak an additional language. 89% of pupils in the EU learn English. Yet there are 45 indigenous languages are in everyday use in the E.U and of these 11 are official languages of the E.U. Yest, only about 9 percent of Americans can speak another language (in most cases, only ONE other language). [Note: Even the president of the United States, Barak Obama, can only speak one language - English. Perhaps he is one of very few "world leaders" who can speak only one language?] Education The education system of several E.U countries is significantly better than the U.S. Finland is widely known to have the best education system in the world. The education system of the United States is placed near the bottom of the list, according to the United Nations. The United States is 18th on a list of 24 countries. Lifestyle: Europeans walk and bike more. Europeans use more public transit, and drive economical cars. Europeans eat well. They eat more healthy than Americans. Medical care in most E.U countries is much more advanced than the U.S. Most other major industrialized nations provide universal health coverage, and most of them have comprehensive benefit packages with no cost-sharing by the patients. The United States, to its shame, has some 45 million people without health insurance and many more millions who have poor coverage. Vacation: The United States is the only developed country with no required minimum vacation days. The seems the average American dutifully work him/herself into an early grave. ;) Typically, the American workers are granted only 10 working days with 8 national holidays per year. Countries in the European Union has a required minimum number of vacation days, that range between 20 days and as much as 42 days. For example, elderly employees in Austria received as much as 42 days leave per annum. Another example: according to the European Occupational Health and Safety, on average Swedish workers took 44 days off work in 2004. Military power: The USA dominates the world in military power- since it spends more on its military budget than anything else. However, the European Union alone, has more military personnel than the USA (not even counting other east European countries, not part of the E.U). The USA has a total of about 1,445,000 active military personnel, with 850,000 reserve personnel. The European Union has 1,536,274 enlisted personnel, with 4,156,680 total reserves.
Other - Cultures & Groups - 7 Answers
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1 :
From an early age Americans are told how great they are ''God's Gift'' how they saved the world from both the Nazis and the Japs (LMAO!). Basically that the USA is the best in everything. I wouldnt be suprised if some think the industrial revolution started there also. Some of them even think they speak ''proper'' English. Then again this is just my opinion from observation. But please remeber the EU is not a country and most of the inhabitants speak only one language of the certain countries official language. That is where the USA wins its one nation with a majority langauge being English. 2 hours on a train and im in another country where they all speak another language I do not understand French! a few more stops and they are speaking Dutch and German!
2 :
less terrorist attacks in the USA.
3 :
wow thats a lot of words. i got bored after the initial question. well to answer the question it is because the US is better. its that simple
4 :
That's a lot of justification for someone who seems so sure. Who are you trying to convince?!
5 :
You do realize that nearly no on in the EU identifies itself as a citizen of the EU insomuch as they are citizens of their actual country. FYI, the number of active military personnel doesn't define military might.
6 :
Maybe it's our bright and shiny personalities? OR All of those bright and shiny nuclear weapons? Sounds to me like you just want to bash the USA...do you often judge a people based on their government? It's hard enough just being yourself now you have to worry because some strange person in the world doesn't like your country. Thanks for giving me a complex. Given that the "Good guys" in the EU haven't won a war without US backing I'd say try to be a little less hostile (unless you were on the "bad guys" side). The EU is a lot older than the US as far as a world power goes anyway. You would think that the EU would be a lot more advanced than you say it is. Even with all of that I harbor no ill will towards the EU after all with out the EU there wouldn't really be a USA remember that it was political and religious oppression that got this country started once the government took over well we all know how governments can be. I can assure you that at least 1/2 of the legal residents of the USA are way more upset about all of those things than you are.
7 :
Yanks are so arrogant

Monday, November 1, 2010

But I don't Wanna go to Europe

But I don't Wanna go to Europe!!!?
So here is the issue - When my wife was fresh out of high school she had the opportunity to go on this Choir Tour. The Tour group went on this 3 week journey where they traveled to England,France,Germany,Switzerland,Luxembourg,Italy and then fly home out of Brussels. She had great fun and made lots of memories. Now her sister is at the same age and she is going on the same choir tour. My wife singed us up to go on the same trip as chaperons. On the one hand I am excited to have the opportunity to visit all these places. My mother-in-law is paying for my ticket too. So it's a "free" once in a lifetime trip,but I am apprehensive about the trip. - First, I am not very excited about the traveling around in a bus full of High School Seniors and Grads. - Second, I just got laid off at work when my company was bought out by a competitor.I am not really looking forward to being the job interview and saying "Oh and in July - I am going to need 3 weeks off". - Finally, I know this sounds kinda pathetic, but I have Two dogs. One is a 7 year old Pomeranian and the other is 15 year old teeny pom that weighs four pounds. My mother-in-law gets offended if I suggest that she does not watch my dogs while I go on this trip. I worry mostly about the senior dog. I worry about the other one too because she is one a diet and my mother-in-law thinks people/animals who try to lose weight are ill or something.( I have told her to please not give her table scraps and she said that my vet was a jerk and then continued to feed my dog.) My main concern with the senior dog is his age. He does not eat his food as well when we go on short 1 week vacations, and I would hate for his kidneys to shut down while we are away or something like that. He has a collapsing trachea that we have been controlling with Robitussin. I worry that the MIL would not give him his medicine when he needs it. And then with both dogs there is my biggest worry...... The PUG. My mother-in-law has a rather chubby little 1 and half year old pug. They don't exercise it very much and she spends most of her time in the kennel. When they let the pug out she runs around like she is on fire. This would not bother me too much, but there has been little to no discipline for this devil dog. As a result she runs around nipping,biting,and jumping on and around whatever she can whenever she is out. Her oly discipline when she is like this is "grab her and put her back in the kennel". I have given this dog a chance and I have decided that - I hate this dog. As much as I hate the pug - MY dogs hate it 100 times more. I worry that this little demon will, at the very worst, hurt my one of my dogs while they are gone. At the very least, seriously make them more depressed. The last time we had my little yoda pom in the same room as the pug they got into a fight. My mother-in-law is one of those hobbit lookin people who can't touch their toes without making a grunting noise and I worry if she will be able to reach down and stop a fight should one occur. What should I do? Stop worrying? See if I can get outta this trip? What would you do?
Other - Europe - 1 Answers
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If you decide to go, simply put yur 2 dogs in a reliable kennel...with your vet, if he boards dogs. Tell your MIL your dogs will be going to the kennel...then do not discuss it any further. If you get a good job possiblity...then that nixes the trip. tell your wife you cannot go on the trip , that the new job takes priority. Be kind, but firm, and encourage her to go ahead. Do not discuss it with your MIL..your new job would be more important...period. Stand up, be kind but firm, or prepare to be subject to the whims and domination of MIL for ever.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Somebody who is knowledgeable about Paris, please help

Somebody who is knowledgeable about Paris, please help?
THIS LOOKS LIKE A LOT TO TAKE IN BUT IT IS JUST SOME SHORT QUESTIONS, PLEASE HELP! I am visiting Paris for 3 days at the end of May and need to work out an itinerary. There are many on the internet but they aren't very flexible so I'm attempting to create my own. I have a few questions which I would be grateful for someone who is knowledgeable about Paris to answer: 1) What is the best time to go up the Eiffel Tower? I was thinking just before sunset, to get a view in the light of day, then see the sunset and then see Paris at night, but I don't know what time sunset would be at the end of May, so if anyone knows that would also be helpful. 2) How long on average would you spend on the Eiffel Tower if you were to go to the top and also wanted to take the views in as you visited each floor? 3) Is it worth going inside the Pantheon? How long would you recommend in looking at the Pantheon (both if you were just looking outside or going inside)? 4) Would you recommend a picnic lunch in the Luxembourg gardens at around 2pm? 5) What is the weather and temperature usually like at the end of May/beginning of June? 6) As I am only there for 3 days, which sights are most worth seeing (obviously I won't be able to see everything in that short space of time)? 7) Are there any vintage markets? Clothing, jewelerry, trinkets, souvenirs etc that will be running during the time I'll be there? And what are they called and where are they? 8) Any recommendations for budget restaurants and cafes? 9) How long should we spend in the Louvre? 10) Any beautiful, not tourist infested places with lovely views and scenery, or pretty little streets which could be visited for photography purposes? 11) Affordable fashion shops & their location? 12) Lastly, anyone have an itinerary they think could be useful for me? Sorry this is a lot to ask, but I would be so so grateful, having no knowledge about Paris myself. Any other recommendations would also be very helpful.
Paris - 1 Answers
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1 :
I think I already answered most of your questions in your other post so here are some specifics: 1) If you go see the Eifel tower, make sure you see it first from Trocadero (there is a metro station there), which gives you the best "postcard" look for pictures. Sunset is amazing for this, as you can see the lights of the tower come on. The tower itself will always be crowded with long lines, so if you want to go up, plan to get there first thing in the morning. 2) (this is the wife, I'm american, he's Parisian), I didn't both going up. lots more to see in Paris without spending the day at the Tower. but the lines are the biggest problem, unless you want to walk. plan at least 1/2 a day to get to the top, due to lines or the time to climb. 3) (husband) No, it's not worth it. Check out wikipedia, if you want to see what it would look like. Better suggestion for some graves is Pere Lachaise, (there is a Metro by the same name). many famous people buried there. 4) (wife again) YES! or any of hte gardens, or the gardens outside the Eiffel Tower. You can find bread, cheese and fruits for a lovely time. 5) google it. 6) This is impossible to answer as I don't know your background, but for me (the wife, here) I wanted to see St. Germain area , Ile de la cite, etc. Travelwiki is a great place to start. and you MUST get chocolate while you are there. 7) DK 8) (wife here, again) resturants all around the city, once you get outside of the 1 or 2 blocks near the big tourist centers, will all have set menus for about 10-12 euros. such good food, inexpensive. Also, middle eastern "fast food" is everywhere for good kabobs and gyros!!! 9) It's too big to spend just one day, go to their site, and figure out what parts you want to see and plan accordingly. If you want to see Mona Lisa, expect to be in lines for about 1 to 2 hours. Again, as my husband said, Travel Wiki is your best bet, then google each official site you want to visit. the pages will be in English. Three days is very short, personally, I'd say choose 4 or 5 things max, and really enjoy those.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The best Art school in Europe or Canada for my situation

The best Art school in Europe or Canada for my situation?
I need help to choose an art school to study the highest professional level in the world of Fashion design or Graphic design . I an graduated from Fine arts college from Alexandria University in Egypt, and i have bachelor degree in Graphic and printmaking, and i want to study ( as undergraduate ) the best professional level for fashion design or graphic design, and i have some options in my head: Europe( Germany, Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Italy, or Canada ) but it will depend also on the accommodation level, and the finance situation( no college offer financial aid for international students) so what will happen if i couldn't pay for the 2nd year? will they kick me out of the college? is there a chance to work whilst studying?
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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1 :
In these places, you will definitely have to work while studying. You have no other option dude! Otherwise, you won't be able to manage it out there.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Non pork dishes in Germany

Non pork dishes in Germany?
I've been reading about all the regional, local specialties in Germany. I'm traveling there this summer with family. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. But 4 of the people traveling with me are Jewish. They can't eat pork. They can't eat sea food unless it has fins. They can't eat hooved animals unless they have split hooves. While I'm excited about the various pork dishes, I know we are going to have problems finding places where the rest of us can enjoy the total gamut of choices and yet there will be good food for them as well. Any ideas of places/types of food we should be looking for? We will be in Trier for lunch one day, Luxembourg City one evening for a meal, Rothenburg ob du Tauber, and Munich. I've got a bit of a problem at times with highly spiced food so that will probably end up another factor we have to work around. When we were in Venice last year, my Jewish family ate a lot of tomato and mozarella salads. They can pretty much exist on bread, cheese and veg. Wow, this all sounds GREAT! FrackledJJ I don't like carp either. I live on the banks of the Mississippi and it's a popular dish around here, but when I look at the Big Muddy, and know carp's eating habits, I just don't get that enthusiastic about them. I e-mailed my sister this question. She was very excited. (Who wants to live on salads, eh?) Thank you all so much. It is impossible for me to pick a best answer for this one since they were all so good, so I'm going to let it go to a vote. Thank you again!!!
Other - Germany - 4 Answers
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1 :
Beef should be okay, right? You could try Gulasch (I know, it's originally hungarian), Rouladen (rolled up meat and/or cabbage) or one of the numerous other beef dishes, that don't come to my mind that late at night. Grilled chicken (Brathähnchen / Broiler) might be a good choice as well. A doener of lamb meat could be an acceptable fast food choice too. For meatless meals, pancakes (Pfannkuchen or Eierkuchen; name differs between regions) are worth a try. The exclusion of pork makes the spectre a bit narrower (the fish story has not that big influence, as you're not travelling the coast areas), but you'll find a menu in every restaurant without problems. And about your problem with strong spices, don't worry, it's the same about most Germans, so most meals are prepared a bit weaker. ;-) Greets from Germany
2 :
One of my favorite things is "Gemuse Struedel". It is definitely German, but is not a meat based dish. Basiacally if you think of the dessert Apfel Struedel (which I also recomend!) but instead it is a more bread like covering with vegetables in the middle. No meat. Delicious. Very German. My other favorite thing which I find in many traditional German restaurants is "Gabacken Camenbert". As it sounds, this is a breaded and baked round of Camenbert cheese. Often served with some salad on the side, and some type of red berry jam to eat with it, sometimes served also with the jam in a halved pear. This is DELICIOUS and also something I've only found in Germany, but can find even at hard core beirhalles where you're also finding all your great platters of meat. (Same as the gemuse streudel.) Another gool thing is spaetzel. I think I spelled that right. :-) It is a pasta type dish with cheese. Can also get with veggies in it too. Found at many traditional German places. I think this gives you a chance to go and experience local foods, but with options for everyone you're travelling with. That's probably more fun for them too, instead of always having to eat boring salads and bread.
3 :
I don't think you are going to run into big problems. Even when you are just looking for a snack. Most restaurants have a well-mixed menu, offering something for almost everyone. There are also a couple of traditional local fish-dishes, with sweet-water fish such as trout and carp, though I would not recommend the carp (that's just me though. I just don't like it.), but look out for "Forelle Müllerin Art" (I don't know exactly how that is prepared), "Forelle blau" (that's trout cooked in a bit of broth with wine), or "geräucherte Forelle" (that's smoked, skinless trout, served warm). If your jewish family is very very strict, than you need to watch out when you are ordering soups or stuff as an entree, because they are often garnished with a bit of whipped cream. Oh, and if you should try Döner, there's joghurt in the sauce, and most of the time the meat you will have in it is either veal, lamb, or turkey (and I have never seen one where there was pork), but depending on the restaurant/stand you're in you might not be able to choose a meat. If you can't choose or find out what meat they are giving you, your jewish friends might settle for the "Falaffel", which most Döner restaurant also have on the menue. "Falaffel" is a dumpling of chick pea dough, and it is served basically just like the döner. Or they might try to eat soemthing from "Nordsee", which is a chain restaurant that offers everything fish, and it's all over Germany. Well, anyway: Guten Appetit while you're here! ;)
4 :
Really good answers so far I would like to add a link for you with address of kosher Restaurants in Germany In Munich eg there is one also in Heidelberg not too far from Trier.I am sorry the link is in German but I hope it still is of some help for you. http://www.talmud.de/cms/Geschaefte_Restaurants.62.0.html

Friday, October 1, 2010

2008 Golf Masters in Augusta Live Videos

2008 Golf Masters in Augusta Live Videos?
Hello, I have a question concerning the 2008 Golf Masters in Augusta. I have tried several sites where live videos, but everytime it says the videos are not available for my area. I live in Europe/Luxembourg. I guess that the way they "detect" that the videos are not available for my area is my IP address... I know there are several programs on the net that hide your IP....would that work? Does anyone know where I could see the live videos from the tournament?? Thank you!! Jo I was using Mozilla already. Nevermind, I already got the videos link from AT&T.
Golf - 2 Answers
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1 :
go to masters.org or cbssports.com download a superior brower like mozilla instead of IE exporler
2 :
watch masters LIVE http://hrenota.com/watch.php?id=Masters+Live

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Why don't Americans without health insurance just marry Canadian or European women

Why don't Americans without health insurance just marry Canadian or European women?
This is an easy solution to the healthcare crisis. For example, I am married to a Belgian woman. This gives me access to Belgium's socialized healthcare system. It's a good system; I fly there every year for a checkup and dental work and blood tests and all that kind of stuff. I had a shoulder operation that would have cost me a $5,000 copay on my American insurance for only $350 Euros in Belgium, and I went on a wine tour of southern Wallonia/Luxembourg afterwards, so it was also a vacation. Including airfare, all this only cost me $4,700, which means I actually came out $300 AHEAD compared to how the American healthcare system wanted to screw me. But anyway, this seems like an easy solution. If you need healthcare, just marry a European or a Canadian or someone from a country with national health coverage. In most cases, you can start getting benefits within a year of marriage. It's pretty awesome. Why don't more Americans do this, instead of whining so much and pushing for socialism? Just marry Europeans, dummies!
Politics - 4 Answers
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1 :
Yeah right, we're the dummies! We feel sorry for you.
2 :
Have you seen them? You're going to be sick either way.
3 :
because you cant make yourself love someone because of the benefits ........... also their is discrimination
4 :
Actually, getting residency after marriage can still be a problem. FACT - Insurance companies in the USA admit to pushing up prices, buying politicians and not paying out claims when they should [1] FACT - PER PERSON the USA spends more on healthcare than any other nation on the planet [2] FACT - Obama debated his plans before the election for healthcare [3] FACT - the chance of a child under five of dying in the USA is greater than industrialised nations with universal health coverage [4] FACT - Obama was elected by the American people to bring in change [5] FACT - Obama wants to stop insurance companies from screwing America [6] FACT - The reforms Obama wants work in the Netherlands and Switzerland [7] Let me know if my facts are wrong, but please provide proof.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Is "Corporate Welfare" a myth

Is "Corporate Welfare" a myth?
A common assumption, based on theoretical models of tax incidence, is that capital (i.e. shareholders) bears the burden of the corporate income tax. Recent empirical work using cross-country data on corporate taxes and wages suggests reconsidering this assumption; labor may actually bear a substantial burden from the corporate income tax. - Treasury research paper, "A Review of the Evidence on the Incidence of the Corporate Income Tax," http://www.treas.gov/offices/tax-policy/library/ota101.pdf Empirical evidence from three different studies cited in the paper includes: 1. It is estimated that 61% of any additional corporate tax is passed on in lower wages in the short run, and around 100% in the long run. 2. Using cross-country panel data from the Luxembourg Income Study, it is estimated that a 10% increase in the corporate tax rate decreases annual gross wages by 7% percent. 3. The results in this paper suggest that corporate tax rates affect wage levels across countries, and that higher corporate taxes lead to lower wages. A 1% increase in corporate tax rates is associated with nearly a 1% drop in wage rates. High Corporate Taxes = Lower Wages
Other - Politics & Government - 3 Answers
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1 :
No, bailing out subprime predatory lenders would definitely be corporate welfare.
2 :
As I have said before that without the rich there would be no jobs. You take their money and jobs are lost Their taxes are considered a business expense and is passed onto the consumer. You keep prices down, job rates high and companies in America by cutting them some tax slack Anyone in business is going to move to where they can afford to do business as their job is to make money As soon as the Democrats in this country learn this the companies will slowly come back Then you have the unions that would like to put them out of business and run up the cost to us all so they can make a dollar (different story for another day)
3 :
I definately agree that some of the arguements the liberals make are BS, but not all of them. I am inclined to believe politicians (including liberals) increase taxes above the table, & give loopholes & other benifits (often called corperate welfare) under the table. The biggest lie is that many claim it is jsut the republicans that do this.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How can we convince voters that everyone without health insurance is just a lazy bum

How can we convince voters that everyone without health insurance is just a lazy bum?
....this will make it easier for all of us. If we can convince the average American boob that every single person without health insurance is either an illegal alien or some bum who refuses to do his share, we can win this battle. We need to stop stories of working people being dropped, people desperate and taking jobs without benefits, people who work hard, but are denied coverage or priced twice their salary. This needs to be kept confidential. If we can convince the American people that these are all welfare cheats and illegals, we can keep the insurance system the way it is and continue to make more money off it. We've already done a good job of keeping Americans from finding out anything about health-care systems in nations such as Switzerland, Australia and Japan and Luxembourg and Taiwan because we've trained them to focus only on the two most defective ones, Britain and Canada, so that they never even bother to look at other systems. You have to love the American people, so dumbed down in their educational system and their entertainment that they are the perfect dupes...they'll keep getting raped by us in the insurance racket and they'll still think that this is the best of all possible worlds. We've got it all under control. It's so easy to control a society composed of people who, for the most part, know absolutely nothing about the outside world and think that life is a nightmare in every country except their own. God, I love Americans, they're so profitable!!!!!! Universal health care. Why don't you survey and do research on Australians, citizens of Taiwan, Singapore, Norway, Switzerland and Japan and find out. Start with Australia, find out how many Aussies wish they had our system instead. Then go look at their per-capita income, highest taxation rate, standard of living, life expectancy, infant mortality rate, and percentage who want the universal health care system abolished. Start there, then go look at the other industrialized nations, that is other than Canada and Britain. We all know very well about the failures of those systems. Ask yourself also why we don't have a massive exodus of Western Europeans and Aussies migrating to the United States. They appear rather happy where they are, for the most part and know about the rest of the world, unlike many of the posters here.
Politics - 19 Answers
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1 :
Agree. We have Medicaid, so I don't see why it's a prob
2 :
ha ha!
3 :
You have to lie and spread fear like the GOP, since it's not true.
4 :
5 :
Here's a fact. Nearly 13 million people without health insurance make over $50,000 a year and choose not to have health insurance. Here's another fact. About 14 million people without health insurance are poor enough to qualify for government assistance, but choose not to get it.
6 :
Since it is not true you can't.
7 :
If the insurance companies weren't so greedy, employers could afford to provide insurance. Even then, most employers are greedy too and won't spend a dime for the employees, unless forced to. Taxpayers are picking up the tab because of corporate greed. No matter what system the US uses, it's not going to work due to that fact. This American isn't so dumb either. I don't listen to the news on TV, I see the news from the world on the internet and talk to others in other countries. Knowledge is power.
8 :
Well said. Republicans are wholly owned subsidiaries of the insurance companies. ##
9 :
Your sarcasm is as subtle as getting hit with a hammer. Everyone agrees that we need health care reform. What we don't agree on is that Congress can fix it. Their track record is deplorable.
10 :
MA has 42% year over year cost increases. Hawaii has MASSIVE taxation. California is BANKRUPT. Maine it failed in. Prove it works. Show us your FANASTICALLY AMAZING "UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE" works. PROVE IT!!!
11 :
Even though that was a long post, I'm glad I read it. It was humorous, but serious at the same time. You are right, Americans should learn more about other systems and not believe everything they are told.
12 :
That's quite a twisted story. I bet your a liberal. Your not describing republican nor conservative values. Not everyone without health insurance is just a lazy bum as you describe. There are however way to many freeloaders.
13 :
the sad part is there is a shadowy group ( zionists ? ) that are saying exactly that . ever think of going into politics ?
14 :
The connies seem to have a plan in place.
15 :
You guys really think the U.S. government which is full of corruption, fraud, and mismanagement will take good care of you when they take three years just to pay some soldier's bonus pay, don't take care of vets, cut medicare payouts to providers, and deny treatment to just as many people as the private insurance companies. Please!!! The bills they have now are just disaster and American bankruptcy waiting to happen.
16 :
Two step plan: 1) wait "till they get fired, 2) tell them they can get Medicare. OR alternate: tell them to ask their European immigrant friends. Everybody know a lot of Euro immigrants, right, right. oh.
17 :
He wants to impose on America social programs bigger than FDR and LBJ so that he can stake his claim in history as one of the progressive heroes. He knows that he will lose seats in November and the election of Scott Brown ushered in the reality that he could lose the majority in one or both chambers. He wants to do it now or he will not have the progressive legacy he believes is his birthright. The other thing is that he believes that if he tanks on health care he will be seen as a failure. Republicans said this issue could be his Waterloo and now some Democrats are expressing the same thing. He is more worried about his image, his legacy and whether he is viewed as a failure than he is about America or his own party. Obama is so worried about passing his agenda that he is embracing a procedure that violates Senate rules. The way this bill has been amended and will be voted on (vote on Senate bill, add amendments and send to Obama) is not how legislation is supposed to be accomplished but none of this matters because Obama wants it done at all costs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcBaSP31Be8
18 :
You have a few valid points, actually you have a lot of valid points. I think the real problem for most of the people who oppose the health care reforms proposed by the president and congress is this. It's being crammed down their throats. There are serious problems in health care and they need to be addressed. The idea of millions of Americans not having access to quality health care is not true. It's having access to affordable health care. If being healthy costs money a lot of people aren't going to get it. Yet why should someone who works support someone who doesn't? What to do? The Swedish system consumes an enormous percentage of their GNP. The Canadian system has problems, as does the British. I've looked in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Nowhere does it say that health care is a right. It does say that you're entitled to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. You've got to catch it yourself. We need Health care reform, but not this.
19 :
You need the neurolyzer which zaps the memory for a few minutes and you can tell people what you want them to do like in that movie Men in Black. Health insurance should be a right and freedom. Not a company to make money!! Those health insurance companies are screwing with the free will to live.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Why do Republicans want the rich to get richer

Why do Republicans want the rich to get richer?
I asked the question how Republicans are going to solve income inequality without evil socialism. And I provided graphs illustration how the wealthiest 1% in the USA have gotten 180% wealthier in comparison to the middle class which have gotten only 25% wealthier. And then I showed that Socialist countries have the lowest income inequalities in the world, and Norway and Luxembourg are the wealthiest countries in the world too (In both PPP and Nominal GDP). http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100326192459AAowCIV And I got these answers? Which seemed so wrong? ___________________ end welfare so they have to work. - rightwing radical 1 You'll need to motivate lazy people to work harder. ___________________ Ending welfare will increase unemployment and further increase the income inequality. If anything they need far, far more welfare. Unemployment rate in the USA - 9.70% Unemployment rate in selected countries under the International Socialist Alliance Australia - 5.50% Netherlands - 3.30% Norway - 3.30% Denmark - 4.20% ________________________ Improve education _______________________ That's a socialist thing to do, I asked how to decrease income inequality WITHOUT socialism. Better schools = Higher taxes ____________________________________ The U.S. has never been about equal income. Its about equal opportunity. If people don't take advantage of their opportunities, they aren't going to get anywhere. That would be a normal expectation. - Bekingtoanimals ___________________________________ Talking about giving people more opportunities?, People born into wealth obviously have more opportunities, and better access schools than those born into the middle/lower classes. Putting more money into public schools would give people more equal opportunities. Lowering university fees will give the lower classes more opportunities to escape poverty and get an education. ____________________________________ And then I got alot of answers saying it wasnt bad at all that america has a high income inequality, and they dont have a problem with the rich-poor gap growing at an extremely fast rate. Somehow I got answers saying it was a good thing? Since there's a 99% chance that you don't make up the richest 1% of the US population. I don't know why people answer this saying this. Why do Republicans want the richest 1% to get richer x7.2 faster than the middle-class. Why are they fighting for the rights of the rich to get richer? I just dont understand it. I mean, its NOT benefitting them. Its benefitting the wealthy, and the ultra-mega-wealthy. I dont understand why they're fighting for the bougouis? It seems so strange to the rest of the world, A UK newspaper I read likened it to a reverse-French revolution where the workers pour into the streets demanding more power to the aristocracy. @rainmaker You never read anything I wrote, did you? ____________________________ You assume we need income equality. That's never going to happen, because some people will simply be wealthier than others. And you don't want the rich to get richer? Do you want them to get poorer? I want everyone to get richer, rich and poor alike. ____________ YOUR A SOCIALIST TOO!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR ONE OF US NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Politics - 15 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
They don't want to support a bunch of lazy A** liberal socialist
2 :
3 :
You assume we need income equality. That's never going to happen, because some people will simply be wealthier than others. And you don't want the rich to get richer? Do you want them to get poorer? I want everyone to get richer, rich and poor alike.
4 :
You envy is showing. Divide all the money in the world equally and in six months the same ones that have it now will have it back. There is no cure for ignorance if the ignorant don't realize they are ignorant.
5 :
How does tearing down the rich make me any wealthier, wealth is almost never transferred but destroyed. What you fail to mention is that a 25% percent increase in income is not a bad thing.
6 :
the more money they have the more they want so they hire more people to work in order for them to make more money. you know the American way
7 :
The question comes down to what do you think is more important for a society to have...economic freedom or human equality? They typically have an inverse relationship. Republicans stress freedom SO MUCH, even freedoms for the rich, so the end result is more inequality. If someone actually knew the magic way to make everyone rich and equal we would have solved it by now.
8 :
The bottom line is------> The Repubs do not want a system where they have to continue supporting the lazy worthless beings who choose not to work. I dont know about you, but I was raised to believe that if you didnt work you didnt have means to live because nothing in life is free... If only Libs believed that.
9 :
Its not about keeping the rich richer.... In the words of Thomas Jefferson..... The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not. -- Thomas Jefferson We are all capable of being equal. money is earned not just owed to you...
10 :
Some people are more valuable than others. Sorry, doctors and burger flippers shouldn't be equal. I mean it's basic common sense. THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY, NOT THE LAND OF ENTITLEMENTS.
11 :
Actually Republicans would like to see everyone who works hard to succeed and get richer, democrats want people to be poorer so they can use them to win elections by promising that if elected the government would do everything for them at the rich man's expense. No wanting the poor to stay poor and the rich to get poorer is socialism, wanting everyone to get richer is capitalism.
12 :
No. Republicans want more people to be richer. That way people will have more money to spend on the goods and services that they produce. There would also be more people to pay taxes and thus reduce the burden upon themselves. If the rich are getting wealthier, it is because youngsters coming up behind them do not have the education that they did. The youngsters have been indoctrinated with a sense of entitlement by socialist teachers for decades. Consequently, the only hand that they can offer has an upturned palm.
13 :
Our system is set up to favor those who work hard and want to achieve. Why are you infants so infatuated with the rich? Who cares? Only an insecure, immature dependent would even concern themselves with ANY of the stuff that you do...You people are natural born losers, all you do is complain!
14 :
OK, there is a lot of ground to cover here, but I'll give it a shot. First, I can't find any sources that show that Norway and Luxembourg are the wealthiest countries in the world in terms of PPP, GDP. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_%28PPP%29 According to that link, the US economy is almost as wealthy as the entire European Union. I will go ahead and admit that I believe strongly in free market capitalism. Yeah, it might create a rift in income equality, but I would argue that that would inspire hard work and ingenuity within the lower classes. If you live in a system that rewards success, you are more inclined to be successful. A system that produces successful individuals will tend to be successful itself. Socialism creates a "permanent" lower-class, by taking from the successful and giving to the unsuccessful. By punishing successful behavior, you thereby make it less attractive, and simultaneously disillusion those who are being rewarded; if they do one day become successful, they will be taxed to support those who are not. So why try? Most of the problems in this country could be fixed with decent education early in life. Education in this country is very poor until the collegiate level. The reason for this is that public schools are managed and funded by the government, whereas colleges are managed as private enterprises. State colleges receive some funding from tax dollars, but the college is run as a business with profit in mind. Most of the profits are earned through tuition and investments. With that said, the college must still stay accredited by providing a quality service, or it will lose its customer base and go bankrupt. A purely government funded school keeps its doors open regardless of how poor its quality might be, because the government will fund it regardless. This is an example of how capitalism promotes a quality product at a reasonable price, even if greed is the motivator. Since the level of education is so poor, many Americans graduate highschool knowing very little. Most can't balance their bank account each month, and even fewer have a real understanding of how the economy works. If we want to fix America's problems, we need to educate those who have the most to gain: the lower class. These people do not need a government hand-out. They need a quality education and the opportunity to prove themselves. Unfortunately, a government funded school will not provide either. One reason that the republican party is popular is that it promotes a small government. This is good for the wealthy, because it implies less taxes. This is bad for poverty-level citizens and non-citizens, as it implies less free services. However, the reason many middle-class Americans back the wealthy is because the wealthy create the enterprises in a capitalist market. By helping those who invest, you allow them to invest more, which provides either higher paying jobs or more jobs at the same pay level. In a system where the government holds the wealth, the citizens are dependent on the government to fund employment. Many Americans are uncomfortable with this idea, myself being one. I'm sure I'm forgetting a few points that I would like to make, but you get the idea. Thanks for the friendly arguments, as they're always welcome. Feel free to email me if you'd like to discuss this further.
15 :
You've made excellent points. I think the Republicans want the rich to get richer is a platform they've believed in for so long that they just don't see what's going on now. It's like a lot of things that started out with good intentions, but then took a terrible turn for the worse. They believe that if you give more to the rich, they'll share by creating jobs and being fair. That was true once upon a time ago. There were a few who didn't share or create, but now it's not a few, it's most all of the wealthy. They've become super greedy and selfish. They created jobs, but took them overseas for cheap labor, and more lax government requirements, then bring their goods back here to sell at the same high prices as before. Only difference is most people are either earning less or nothing, and can no longer make the purchases they could before. It may take a while before it hits the wealthy. After all, they've been playing this game with money much longer than us, cause we don't have much to play with.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

3d glasses for use in cinema

3d glasses for use in cinema?
Hy I live in Luxembourg europe. My mother is a bit of a germaphobe and as such refuses to wear the 3D glasses provided in the cinemas. I think she's missing out so i want to get er a pair that she can call her own. Now i know that the blue and red glasses you can make out of cardboard won't work. Is there a way you can make or buy a pair that will work with the 3D systems in the cinemas?
Movies - 1 Answers
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1 :
The lens are made of Polaroid material, one is turned vertical and the other is horizontal. Unless you have access to Polaroid material they will be difficult to make.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Why don't more countries tie health insurance to employment like America does

Why don't more countries tie health insurance to employment like America does?
I know that some countries also offer group-rate insurance as a job perk, but many of the free, rich, industrialized democracies of the world have public health care (with a private option, just as we have public and private education), but why don't they follow our lead and tie the health insurance to employment? That way business owners will have to take this into consideration; we can keep people from freelancing or starting their own, small rival businesses; people with pre-existing conditions will seek out jobs based mainly on the benefits offered. Why won't Australia or The Netherlands or Ireland or Norway or Taiwan do this? You can keep a worker in his place if he has a pre-existing condition, "Oh, so you don't want to work on Saturday, well, let's see, I remember you mentioned that you suffer from.....now, if you don't come to work this Saturday, I can fire you, and you'll have to pay out of pocket for Cobra or private health insurnace, and with your condition, you'll either get denied or charged more than you will ever earn per month, so, your @ss is mine, buddy, now do what I say, or lose both your job and your health insurance!" Tying health insurance to full-time employment is a smart idea. It keeps workers in line, they don't rebel if they know that if they quit or get fired, they could end up with no health insurance as group rates, provided by corporate pools, are their main way of getting any insurance and not being turned down or charged more than they earn per month. Why don't Switzerland and Australia and Luxembourg do this, too? They could totally keep their workers in check.
Politics - 8 Answers
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1 :
its a very dumb idea. let people buy health insurance privately, just like auto insurance. then nobody has to get all worried about losing their healthcare when they leave a job.
2 :
Not every employer helps with health insurance. I used to think my time was more valuable than others who made less than me. Now I think that if you work full time, you should be able to get health care, even if you work in fast food.
3 :
The threat of losing ones healthcare benefit has helped keep Americans workers docile and obedient for 50 years!
4 :
Why don't they do this? Because it doesn't work and it is not fair. The idea of being forced to have to work somewhere in order to have healthcare is almost like slavery in my opinion. Basically you are being forced to choose between working somewhere, regardless of conditions, or your life and property. Also, the reason Luxembourg, Australia and Switzerland won't do it is because their health care is already considerably cheaper and better than ours. (See below.) In regards to healthcare, we are behind.
5 :
The reason why health care insurance is tied to employers is because there was a big competition for good workers. Employers would offer fringe benefits such as health insurance to lure them into their company. Now the costs have gotten out of hand. The reason why the rest of the world has government doing health care is because they are smart and we are stupid.
6 :
They do. But as the health systems in nearly all other developed nations are fairer than that in the USA, there is less of a need. In the USA, if you do not have insurance, your healthcare is substandard. Not so in the Western European nations you mention. Why does no other developed nation have the US model of healthcare? Because in the US model, insurance companies use death panels to deny care to those they are meant to cover. And then they raise costs [1]. Not only does the USA spend more on healthcare than any other nation [2], it finds itself bottom of the table when it comes to preventable deaths due to treatable conditions when it comes to developed nations [3]. The sad thing is that rather than focus on these things, the right spreads lies and half truths about the reforms and how healthcare works abroad [4]. Even sadder is the fact that the reforms are so simple [5]. But, if you think that my points are wrong, e-mail me with proof.
7 :
NOOOOO... that is one of the main reasons America isn't competitive with these other nations.. IE, Canada as a perfect example. It's cheaper by the tune of 1500.00 per unit for Ford to build F-150's in Toronto as opposed to buffalo .. guess where Ford builds it's trucks ? Hello..
8 :
Subvertor, F-150s are built in several locations and never were they built in Buffalo. The U.S. built vehicles cost less to build that the Canadian versions. Where do you get your false information?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

please help with global studies

please help with global studies?
1.) What is physical geography? It’s a subfield of geography that tries to understand Earth’s physical layout It’s a subfield of geography that tries to understand physics in the Earth It’s a study of the physical nature of all things It’s said to be a link between human geography and environmental geography Both B and C 2.) Which of the following statements about historiography are true? Historiography is the study of the way history is written today and the way history was written in the past. Historiographers often study the author and his position in society as well as the kind of history being written at the time. Usually, the purpose of historiography is to realize the bias of a historical work. All of the above statements are true. None of the statements are true. 3.) Anti-globalization is also known as ____________________. Global Justice Globalism Isolation All of the bove None of the above 4.) Cultural anthropology in the United States was influenced greatly by the ready availability of ________ societies as ethnographic subjects. Eskimos Japanese-Americans Native Americans None of the above All of the above 5.) What two kinds of geography is environmental geography said to link? (Choose the best answer.) Historical and Contemporary Geological and Hydrological Human Geographical and Physical Environmental Geographical and Historical Historiographical 6.) _________ geography focuses on geography as an Earth science, while _________ geography is a branch of geography that focuses on the study of patterns and processes that shape human interaction with various environments. Human, Physical Social, Physical Physical, Social Physical, Human None of the above 7.) What word generally refers to patterns of human activity and the symbolic structures that give such activity significance? Society Norms Culture Anthropology None of the above 8.) _________ has increased dramatically from almost no nation with universal suffrage in 1900 to 62.5% of all nations in 2000. Globalization Democracy Women’s Rights Historiography None of the above 9.) Large societies often have ___________, or groups of people with distinct sets of behavior and beliefs that differentiate them from a larger culture of which they are a part. Sects Subcultures Cults None of the above All of the above 10.) What is geography? (Choose the best answer.) The study of the earth The study of the location of both human and physical aspects of the earth The mapping of cultures on the earth Both B and C Both A and B 11.) ______________is an umbrella term for a complex series of economic, social, technological, and political changes seen as increasing interdependence and interaction between people and companies in disparate locations. Globalization Interdisciplinary Culture None of the above All of the above 12.) ___________ is systematically collected information about the past. Anthropology History Culture Society None of the above. 13.) According to the KOF index, the world's most globalized country is the USA, followed by Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and China Sweden, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Luxembourg The United Kingdom, Canada, Sweden, China Canada, the United Kingdom, China, Luxembourg None of the above 14.) The ________ are the first known culture to actively explore geography as a science and philosophy. Greeks Romans Mayans Native Americans None of the above 15.) Which statement is true about history? In the 20th century, the division between history and prehistory became problematic. There are differing views for the definition of when history begins Historians obtain information about the past from various kinds of sources, including written or printed records, coins or other artifacts, buildings and monuments, and interviews (oral history). All of the above statements are true None of the above statements are true
Homework Help - 1 Answers
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1 :
Do your own homework, please know one answer this.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Are European "socialists" better capitalists than American capitalists

Are European "socialists" better capitalists than American capitalists?
Are the "socialist" countries of Europe better at capitalism than the United States of America? Hard to believe, maybe? Here are the facts, taken from the CIA World Fact Book, Nominal Gross Domestic Product per capita (person). 1 Liechtenstein $145,734 2007 2 Qatar $141,733 2008 est. 3 Luxembourg $118,538 2008 est. 4 Norway $103,586 2008 est. 5 Ireland $68,574 2008 est. 6 Denmark $67,387 2008 est. 7 Switzerland $64,974 2008 est. 8 Iceland $62,490 2008 est. 9 Kuwait $61,499 2008 est. 10 United Arab Emirates $58,424 2008 est. 11 Sweden $56,703 2008 est. 12 Netherlands $54,640 2008 est. 13 Finland $53,616 2008 est. 14 Austria $52,696 2008 est. 15 Australia $50,887 2008 est. 16 Belgium $47,617 2008 17 United States $47,103 2008 est. European Countries: Liechtenstein, Universal Health Care. Luxembourg, Universal Health Care. Norway, Universal Health Care. Ireland, Universal Health Care. Denmark, Universal Health Care. Sweden, Universal Health Care. Netherlands, Universal Health Care. Finland, Universal Health Care. Austria, Universal Health Care. Belgium, Universal Health Care. The cost of living in the US is less so maybe they're not, but what do you think? They do produce more wealth per person, and have way more time off work, so what's going on? Sorry Iceland and Switzerland both have Universal Health Care as well. jheat I'm the one who pointed out cost of living in the US is less, I didn't assume anything. Never the less they still produce, far more per person, and work far less.
Politics - 3 Answers
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1 :
yea, and check out the cost of living per person. maybe you shouldn't assume so much so quickly.
2 :
That's because employers don't have to pay for healthcare, and can give raises to their employees on a regular basis. The health insurance corporations don't suck their profits through raising insurance premiums so much so that employees don't get raises like what is happening in the U.S today.
3 :
Well, I guess that depends on how you define what a good capitalist is. If you use the Nominal Gross Domestic Product per capita as a measure then it looks like several european "socialists" are better capitalists than the americans, but I am not sure if that is the correct way to measure it. You could also look at things like the current account balance: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_current_account_balance where the USA is in pretty bad shape ( and most of the countries you mention do pretty well). But then again People's Republic of China rank first on that list, does that mean that the Chinese are the best capitalists in the world? And what about other things like, Distribution of wealth. Are people good capitalists just because they earn a lot of money, or do the money also have to be distributed in a 'fair' way? Well, as far as I can see, the US-economy is not doing so well at the moment, other countries seam to be doing better. Does that answer the question? :)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

10 easy points

10 easy points?
1: What is physical geography? It’s a subfield of geography that tries to understand Earth’s physical layout It’s a subfield of geography that tries to understand physics in the Earth It’s a study of the physical nature of all things It’s said to be a link between human geography and environmental geography Both B and C 2: Which of the following statements about historiography are true? Historiography is the study of the way history is written today and the way history was written in the past. Historiographers often study the author and his position in society as well as the kind of history being written at the time. Usually, the purpose of historiography is to realize the bias of a historical work. All of the above statements are true. None of the statements are true. 3: Anti-globalization is also known as ____________________. Global Justice Globalism Isolation All of the bove None of the above 4: Cultural anthropology in the United States was influenced greatly by the ready availability of ________ societies as ethnographic subjects. Eskimos Japanese-Americans Native Americans None of the above All of the above 5: What two kinds of geography is environmental geography said to link? (Choose the best answer.) Historical and Contemporary Geological and Hydrological Human Geographical and Physical Environmental Geographical and Historical Historiographical 6: _________ geography focuses on geography as an Earth science, while _________ geography is a branch of geography that focuses on the study of patterns and processes that shape human interaction with various environments. Human, Physical Social, Physical Physical, Social Physical, Human None of the above 7: What word generally refers to patterns of human activity and the symbolic structures that give such activity significance? Society Norms Culture Anthropology None of the above 8: _________ has increased dramatically from almost no nation with universal suffrage in 1900 to 62.5% of all nations in 2000. Globalization Democracy Women’s Rights Historiography None of the above 9: Large societies often have ___________, or groups of people with distinct sets of behavior and beliefs that differentiate them from a larger culture of which they are a part. Sects Subcultures Cults None of the above All of the above 10: What is geography? (Choose the best answer.) The study of the earth The study of the location of both human and physical aspects of the earth The mapping of cultures on the earth Both B and C Both A and B 11: ______________is an umbrella term for a complex series of economic, social, technological, and political changes seen as increasing interdependence and interaction between people and companies in disparate locations. Globalization Interdisciplinary Culture None of the above All of the above 12: ___________ is systematically collected information about the past. Anthropology History Culture Society None of the above. 13: According to the KOF index, the world's most globalized country is the USA, followed by Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and China Sweden, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Luxembourg The United Kingdom, Canada, Sweden, China Canada, the United Kingdom, China, Luxembourg None of the above 14: The ________ are the first known culture to actively explore geography as a science and philosophy. Greeks Romans Mayans Native Americans None of the above 15: Which statement is true about history? In the 20th century, the division between history and prehistory became problematic. There are differing views for the definition of when history begins Historians obtain information about the past from various kinds of sources, including written or printed records, coins or other artifacts, buildings and monuments, and interviews (oral history). All of the above statements are true None of the above statements are true 16: According to this course, the Bible verse that BEST describes the reason to study other cultures in God’s Kingdom is: Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king. (-1 Peter 2:17) Love your neighbor as yourself. (- Mark 12:31, Romans 13:9, Luke 10:27….) For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body�whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free�and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. (- 1 Corinthians 12:13) Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. (-Colossians 3:15) All of them 17: Anthropology is: the study of natural history the study of humankind the scientific method none of the above All of the above 18: Which is a property of languages? Languages consist of a set of symbols. They often conform to a rough grammar, or system of rules, used to manipulate the symbols. The symbols are often arbitrary. All of the above ARE properties of languages. None of the above. 19: _____________ is the study of the Earth and its features and of the distribution of life on the earth, including human life and the effects of human activity. History Anthropology Geography None of the above All of the above 20: The hypothesis that states that there is a relationship between the language a person speaks and how that person both understands the world and behaves in it is called the: Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis Whorf-Sapir Hypothesis Linguistic-Cultural Relationship All of the above None of the above 21: Which of the following is NOT one of the four elements that are "passed on from generation to generation by learning alone"? values technology institutions artifacts none of the above 22: The word culture refers to: the complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society the set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of society or a social group, and that it encompasses, in addition to art and literature, lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions and beliefs the way of life for an entire society All of the above None of the above 23: The term country (i.e. The United States) has to do with what? (Choose the best answer.) Geographical Physical Geographical Human Geographical Environmental Geographical Historiographical
History - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
2 :
is this homework or something?
3 :
You lied this is not 10 easy points. this is homework or a take home test
4 :
This is your homework/a take-home test. How do you expect to learn anything if you don't do your own work. I won't help you coast through.