1.) Madame de Pompadour, mistress of Louis XV, became the center of public attention because of her A. extensive charity work among the Parisian poor B. participation in politics and use of the monarchy for personal gain C. proposal for reforming the economic structure of the monarchy D. role in the rebuilding of the center of Paris E. writings for the Encyclopedia and other Enlightenment publications 2.) The leadership of the Dutch revolts (1566-1648) sought all of the following EXCEPT A. an alliance with the English Catholics B. the end of the Inquisition C. the end of excessive taxation D. the elimination of the rule of foreign officials E. an alliance with French Protestants 3.) Which of the following best expresses VoltaireĆ¢€™s views concerning religion? A. Catholics should obediently follow the dictates of the pope. B. Protestants should be excluded from French government service. C. Religious unity is fundamental to enlightened monarchies. D. Organized religion perpetuates superstition and ignorance. E. Criticism of religious doctrines and authorities should be condemned. 4.) Which of the following describes a major difference between northern humanists and Italian humanists? A. Italian humanists focused on human intellect and achievements, whereas northern humanisl concentrated on nature and emotion. B. Italian humanists focused on national consciousness, whereas northern humanists rejected politics. C. Italian humanists viewed human nature as corrupt and weak, whereas northern humanists viewed human nature as generally good. D. Both concentrated on spiritual concerns, but northern humanists also focused on secular matters. E. Both looked to classical sources, but northern humanists also emphasized Christian sources. 5.) The sculpture by Bernini shown above celebrates SCULPTURE: http://www2.kenyon.edu/Depts/Religion/Fac/Adler/Reln482/Images482/Bernini-Teresa.jpg A. a new interest in secular themes B. Lutheran veneration of the saints C. the Calvinist cult of beauty D. the reconciliation of the papacy and the English crown after the Council of Trent E. Catholic Reformation mysticism 6.) Metternich would have been most in sympathy with the political philosophy of A. John Locke B. Robert Owen C. Charles Fourier D. Edmund Burke E. Giuseppe Mazzini 7.) Which of the following advocated an evolutionary, as opposed to revolutionary, theory of Marxism? A. Eduard Bernstein B. V.I. Lenin C. Rosa Luxemburg D. Joseph Stalin E. Leon Trotsky 8.) A major goal of the European Economic Community was to A. promote ethnic autonomy within the member countries B. prevent the reassertion of German industrialism C. achieve the industrialization of Africa and Latin America D. stop labor migration within Western Europe E. coordinate industrial and agricultural policies of the members If you only know a few, that's fine. If you don't know any but know of a few good sources I could look at, that would help. These are part of 80 multiple choice questions (from the 1994 AP European examination) but I could not figure these out at all! Thank you for your help.
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1.) E Sorry that's all i have right now, though as i finish my own and check my answer's ill post what i got for the others.