So here is the issue - When my wife was fresh out of high school she had the opportunity to go on this Choir Tour. The Tour group went on this 3 week journey where they traveled to England,France,Germany,Switzerland,Luxembourg,Italy and then fly home out of Brussels. She had great fun and made lots of memories. Now her sister is at the same age and she is going on the same choir tour. My wife singed us up to go on the same trip as chaperons. On the one hand I am excited to have the opportunity to visit all these places. My mother-in-law is paying for my ticket too. So it's a "free" once in a lifetime trip,but I am apprehensive about the trip. - First, I am not very excited about the traveling around in a bus full of High School Seniors and Grads. - Second, I just got laid off at work when my company was bought out by a competitor.I am not really looking forward to being the job interview and saying "Oh and in July - I am going to need 3 weeks off". - Finally, I know this sounds kinda pathetic, but I have Two dogs. One is a 7 year old Pomeranian and the other is 15 year old teeny pom that weighs four pounds. My mother-in-law gets offended if I suggest that she does not watch my dogs while I go on this trip. I worry mostly about the senior dog. I worry about the other one too because she is one a diet and my mother-in-law thinks people/animals who try to lose weight are ill or something.( I have told her to please not give her table scraps and she said that my vet was a jerk and then continued to feed my dog.) My main concern with the senior dog is his age. He does not eat his food as well when we go on short 1 week vacations, and I would hate for his kidneys to shut down while we are away or something like that. He has a collapsing trachea that we have been controlling with Robitussin. I worry that the MIL would not give him his medicine when he needs it. And then with both dogs there is my biggest worry...... The PUG. My mother-in-law has a rather chubby little 1 and half year old pug. They don't exercise it very much and she spends most of her time in the kennel. When they let the pug out she runs around like she is on fire. This would not bother me too much, but there has been little to no discipline for this devil dog. As a result she runs around nipping,biting,and jumping on and around whatever she can whenever she is out. Her oly discipline when she is like this is "grab her and put her back in the kennel". I have given this dog a chance and I have decided that - I hate this dog. As much as I hate the pug - MY dogs hate it 100 times more. I worry that this little demon will, at the very worst, hurt my one of my dogs while they are gone. At the very least, seriously make them more depressed. The last time we had my little yoda pom in the same room as the pug they got into a fight. My mother-in-law is one of those hobbit lookin people who can't touch their toes without making a grunting noise and I worry if she will be able to reach down and stop a fight should one occur. What should I do? Stop worrying? See if I can get outta this trip? What would you do?
Other - Europe - 1 Answers
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If you decide to go, simply put yur 2 dogs in a reliable kennel...with your vet, if he boards dogs. Tell your MIL your dogs will be going to the kennel...then do not discuss it any further. If you get a good job possiblity...then that nixes the trip. tell your wife you cannot go on the trip , that the new job takes priority. Be kind, but firm, and encourage her to go ahead. Do not discuss it with your MIL..your new job would be more important...period. Stand up, be kind but firm, or prepare to be subject to the whims and domination of MIL for ever.