What do you think about this?
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1042425/Why-ignore-bad-spelling-Lecturer-calls-amnesty-students-20-errors.html?ITO=1490 Why are British students so bad at spelling their own language? (And other native English speakers too, especially Americans.) What do you think about this phenomenon? Why do native English speakers have so many problems spelling their own language correctly? Here are some comments from non-native English speakers, and I agree with them: Paula, Italy: I am a foreigner, I studied your beautiful, elegant, expressive language as a foreign language, and I don't make spelling mistakes. Most of my friends and colleagues who also studied it as a foreign language don't make any spelling mistakes either. We're not an educated elite, we studied English in very average, ordinary schools, no more than three or four hours a week. How come British "students" cannot manage? Eve, Poland: This idea is ridiculous. Besides, I don't understand how people can make such mistakes in their own language. English is my second language and I wouldn't be caught dead misspelling these words. CC7, Switzerland: I'm not a native English speaker and yet I would write all the words in this list correctly. That's called "learning", and it should also -especially- go for native speakers! Wilma, Netherlands: My Dutch students were extremely surprised when I told them that lots of English people could not distinguish between "there" and 'their" and "it's" and 'its". By the way English is my third language. Raymond, Germany: I am a language trainer in Luxembourg and to give in to the bad spellers is a capitulation which signals how little respect British people have for their own language. German, French and even Polish speakers don't suffer similar problems because they are taught to hold their language in high regard. (...) I tell my international language training participants to ask Scandinavians or Dutch people how to write if I am not there to help. Furthermore, I know one British person at the place I work whose letters are corrected by his French boss because they are full of mistakes. Anthony, Malta: I learnt the English Language at a state school in Malta fifty years ago. Thankfully great emphasis was laid on this most important of languages then and now. Spelling mistakes were anathema. How can people, born and bred in England, be unable to spell words in their own language ? How low can standards in this once Great country get ?
Languages - 2 Answers
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1 :
are you sure. i thought btittish were the most pproper peoplr in languge and writting
2 :
Because a lot of people tend to be idiots who don't care or forget all of their education. And they didn't care as much about learning how to write.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Moving to Luxemburg for a year with g/f
Moving to Luxemburg for a year with g/f?
Hi guys, Its all go now, my girlfriend has accepted the job offer in Luxembourg and we are heading off next month. We are currently living in Dublin Ireland, where Im originally from, my g/f is originally from Poland but living in Dublin. I told her initally I wont be going if she goes cos Ive no chance of getting a job in what I want to do. I suggested we go for at most a year, in the hope that the economy would have improved by then. I want to get back to architecture in a country we can both get a good job. Shes in finance and only really needs english. I've posted a question previous concerning this topic but the difference now is I'm definitely gonna give it a go, Im abit scared to be honest, if i cant find work its going to difficult. We discussed this and she's willing to cover the rent. I dont really like this idea, but what else can I do, the idea of living apart from her is horrible. I'm a junior architect and a recently qualified fitness instructor. I lost my job as an architect when the recession hit at the start of the year and havent been able to find work in that industry anywhere. I hope to work as a fitness instructor while I'm in Luxembourg with the idea that we head to England late 2010 where hopefully I can return to architecture. I've a few questions: I would like to start doing personal training there. Is the language issue going to be a big problem? Could I get a job in a gym there with only english? How difficult is it to find a job there with the recession? Anyone live in Luxembourg that can offer me general advice about looking for a job, way of living etc. would be greatly appreciated:-) Any other help on my situation would be greatly appreciated. I know I love my g/f but am I mad going there?
Singles & Dating - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
well.............if you don't know the language of Luxembourg you should at least know some german or french
2 :
- language barrier: usually, for client facing personnel, it is required to speak at least English and French (German highly appreciated). - the recession did not hit very much Luxembourg. Not like in other countries, at least. - however, being a small country, there are not that many gyms, so ti might be difficult to get a job as a personal instructor. - the good side of things is that here there is a big community of English speaking people. They might be helpful in finding a job, as word of mouth works extremely well here. We posted some Facebook groups for people living in Luxembourg here: http://in-luxembourg.blogspot.com/2009/10/facebook-groups-focused-on-luxembourg.html Some LinkedIn Groups: http://in-luxembourg.blogspot.com/2009/10/linkedin-groups-focused-on-luxembourg.html Also, for rent, we posted several new ads: http://in-luxembourg.blogspot.com/2009/10/apartments-for-rent-in-luxembourg-i.html Regards, Marius & Elena
Hi guys, Its all go now, my girlfriend has accepted the job offer in Luxembourg and we are heading off next month. We are currently living in Dublin Ireland, where Im originally from, my g/f is originally from Poland but living in Dublin. I told her initally I wont be going if she goes cos Ive no chance of getting a job in what I want to do. I suggested we go for at most a year, in the hope that the economy would have improved by then. I want to get back to architecture in a country we can both get a good job. Shes in finance and only really needs english. I've posted a question previous concerning this topic but the difference now is I'm definitely gonna give it a go, Im abit scared to be honest, if i cant find work its going to difficult. We discussed this and she's willing to cover the rent. I dont really like this idea, but what else can I do, the idea of living apart from her is horrible. I'm a junior architect and a recently qualified fitness instructor. I lost my job as an architect when the recession hit at the start of the year and havent been able to find work in that industry anywhere. I hope to work as a fitness instructor while I'm in Luxembourg with the idea that we head to England late 2010 where hopefully I can return to architecture. I've a few questions: I would like to start doing personal training there. Is the language issue going to be a big problem? Could I get a job in a gym there with only english? How difficult is it to find a job there with the recession? Anyone live in Luxembourg that can offer me general advice about looking for a job, way of living etc. would be greatly appreciated:-) Any other help on my situation would be greatly appreciated. I know I love my g/f but am I mad going there?
Singles & Dating - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
well.............if you don't know the language of Luxembourg you should at least know some german or french
2 :
- language barrier: usually, for client facing personnel, it is required to speak at least English and French (German highly appreciated). - the recession did not hit very much Luxembourg. Not like in other countries, at least. - however, being a small country, there are not that many gyms, so ti might be difficult to get a job as a personal instructor. - the good side of things is that here there is a big community of English speaking people. They might be helpful in finding a job, as word of mouth works extremely well here. We posted some Facebook groups for people living in Luxembourg here: http://in-luxembourg.blogspot.com/2009/10/facebook-groups-focused-on-luxembourg.html Some LinkedIn Groups: http://in-luxembourg.blogspot.com/2009/10/linkedin-groups-focused-on-luxembourg.html Also, for rent, we posted several new ads: http://in-luxembourg.blogspot.com/2009/10/apartments-for-rent-in-luxembourg-i.html Regards, Marius & Elena
Monday, February 7, 2011
European ATC license valid in the USA
European ATC license valid in the USA?
I am considering getting my air traffic controler's license in Europe (maybe in Switzerland or Luxembourg), but it is my intention to live and work in the USA. However, I found information that in order to be an ATC in the USA you need to be an American citizen. Would having a license bypass that requirement? It's hard to believe that American ATCs get jobs in Europe and that the other way around isn't possible...
Aircraft - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I have no idea about whether you need citizenship to work in ATC in the US. I recommend that you go to www.faa.gov, and do some research. All of the requirements will be listed.
2 :
"It's hard to believe that American ATCs get jobs in Europe and that the other way around isn't possible." It might surprise you to learn that English is the international aviation language. More Americans speak English than Europeans; they even do it without an unintelligible accent. I don't know about citizenship requirements for ATC in the US.
3 :
I'm not sure but it would seem you would need another test. a lot of the regulations are different between the two.
4 :
Yes, you must be a US Citizen to be an ATC in the US. Having a license would not bypass this, it is considered a key requirement for employment.
I am considering getting my air traffic controler's license in Europe (maybe in Switzerland or Luxembourg), but it is my intention to live and work in the USA. However, I found information that in order to be an ATC in the USA you need to be an American citizen. Would having a license bypass that requirement? It's hard to believe that American ATCs get jobs in Europe and that the other way around isn't possible...
Aircraft - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I have no idea about whether you need citizenship to work in ATC in the US. I recommend that you go to www.faa.gov, and do some research. All of the requirements will be listed.
2 :
"It's hard to believe that American ATCs get jobs in Europe and that the other way around isn't possible." It might surprise you to learn that English is the international aviation language. More Americans speak English than Europeans; they even do it without an unintelligible accent. I don't know about citizenship requirements for ATC in the US.
3 :
I'm not sure but it would seem you would need another test. a lot of the regulations are different between the two.
4 :
Yes, you must be a US Citizen to be an ATC in the US. Having a license would not bypass this, it is considered a key requirement for employment.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Please help with German knowledge work
Please help with German knowledge work?
I have this German booklet that I have to work on. I've done all the questions except for these because I don't really know: 1. Name 5 neighbouring countries in German - Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Switzerland, Austria, Czec Republic and Poland Can you please translate 5 of these into German? 2. In which state or city would you find the Europark? 3. Why did people think Mad King Ludwig wsa mad? - Was it because he spent huge amounts of money on his castles? 4. Also, how did he die? - I know he was found in a lake with Dr. Bernhard, and some think he could be murdered. Any ideas on this? 4. A German classical composer and where they lived? (other than Johann Sebastian Bach) 5. What is the people's car of the Germans? - Is it Volkswagen? 6. What do people mostly drink in the Oktoberfest? 7. What are two German food specialities? 8. Name two German words that we now use in English. Please help, and name some sources of your information, thanks in advance.
Languages - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
1. Denemark, Niederlanden, belgien, Luxemburg, Frankreich, Schweiz. Oestereich, Tchechisch Republiek, Polen 2. Baden-Wuertenberg 4. Hayden or Brahms, 5. well 'Volkswagen' means 'peoples car' 6. Beer !!! 7. Knoedel (potatoe mash ball with meat and vegtables) Bratwurst (sausage) 8 Kindergatren and Gesundheit
2 :
1. Dänemark, Niederlände, Belgien, Luxemburg, Frankreich, der Schweiz, Österreich, Tschechische Republik, Polen 4 (b) Ludwig van Beethoven, Bonn 5. Volkswagen = people's car 6. Beer 7. Bratwurst (fried sausage), Sauerkraut (pickled cabbage) 8. Kindergarten, Poltergeist
3 :
1) Dänemark, Die Niederlande, Belgien, Luxenburg, Frankreich, Die Schweiz, Österreich, Tschechien (Tschechische Republik is fine too), Polen. 2) is difficult, because there is no "famous" Europark - there is a famous Europapark, though. That's located in a town called "Rust". 3) He was declared Mad (without examination) by a couple of Doctors. It is very likely that this was part of a plan to bring him down (the next day he was deprived of his powers). 4)He drowned in the "Starnberger See". This happend during a walk with Professor Bernhard von Gudden (who is one of the doctors who declared him mad) - He said that it was suicide - but speculations do not cease even today. 5)It's a strange question; Volkswagen means people's car if translated - but Volkswagen today is a multi billion dollar company and not a car. 6) Beer from very large glasses called "Maß" 7) The other answers are good. 8) I'Ve also heard "Ersatz" and well, what the others said.
I have this German booklet that I have to work on. I've done all the questions except for these because I don't really know: 1. Name 5 neighbouring countries in German - Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Switzerland, Austria, Czec Republic and Poland Can you please translate 5 of these into German? 2. In which state or city would you find the Europark? 3. Why did people think Mad King Ludwig wsa mad? - Was it because he spent huge amounts of money on his castles? 4. Also, how did he die? - I know he was found in a lake with Dr. Bernhard, and some think he could be murdered. Any ideas on this? 4. A German classical composer and where they lived? (other than Johann Sebastian Bach) 5. What is the people's car of the Germans? - Is it Volkswagen? 6. What do people mostly drink in the Oktoberfest? 7. What are two German food specialities? 8. Name two German words that we now use in English. Please help, and name some sources of your information, thanks in advance.
Languages - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
1. Denemark, Niederlanden, belgien, Luxemburg, Frankreich, Schweiz. Oestereich, Tchechisch Republiek, Polen 2. Baden-Wuertenberg 4. Hayden or Brahms, 5. well 'Volkswagen' means 'peoples car' 6. Beer !!! 7. Knoedel (potatoe mash ball with meat and vegtables) Bratwurst (sausage) 8 Kindergatren and Gesundheit
2 :
1. Dänemark, Niederlände, Belgien, Luxemburg, Frankreich, der Schweiz, Österreich, Tschechische Republik, Polen 4 (b) Ludwig van Beethoven, Bonn 5. Volkswagen = people's car 6. Beer 7. Bratwurst (fried sausage), Sauerkraut (pickled cabbage) 8. Kindergarten, Poltergeist
3 :
1) Dänemark, Die Niederlande, Belgien, Luxenburg, Frankreich, Die Schweiz, Österreich, Tschechien (Tschechische Republik is fine too), Polen. 2) is difficult, because there is no "famous" Europark - there is a famous Europapark, though. That's located in a town called "Rust". 3) He was declared Mad (without examination) by a couple of Doctors. It is very likely that this was part of a plan to bring him down (the next day he was deprived of his powers). 4)He drowned in the "Starnberger See". This happend during a walk with Professor Bernhard von Gudden (who is one of the doctors who declared him mad) - He said that it was suicide - but speculations do not cease even today. 5)It's a strange question; Volkswagen means people's car if translated - but Volkswagen today is a multi billion dollar company and not a car. 6) Beer from very large glasses called "Maß" 7) The other answers are good. 8) I'Ve also heard "Ersatz" and well, what the others said.
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