Saturday, November 21, 2009

traveling on a budget how much do i deed for food and camp sites

traveling on a budget how much do i deed for food and camp sites?
heya i'm trying to work out the cheapest option for camping in germany (southern black forest)Northern italy, france and netherlands or Luxembourg - is campsites the way to go or is there something else we should do??? also how much should we budget for food and drink- we are traveling for 7 days and at a music festival for 4 days
Other - Europe - 1 Answers
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1 :
where are you from? the eu, us, elsewhere? you'll probably want at least €1000 (a little less than $1500 USD) if not more to make sure you won't run out of money (it's happened to me--not fun at all. I came back to the states with €0.09 from €400!) You could try hostels some nights, since they're relatively cheap, but if you have the camping supplies and whatnot and aren't afraid of bad weather then you could definitely make it camping, and it would probably be much cheaper. If you *really* wanted to scrimp and save, you could probably stretch 500 euro to cover food and drink. How many people are going with you? cook your own food and don't eat out a lot. Also, you might buy stuff at the music festival, so plan for that! Good luck and have fun!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Why are native English speakers so bad at spelling their own language

Why are native English speakers so bad at spelling their own language?
Just check this site about British students and all the mistakes they make: Americans are even worse. Why does that happen? What do you think about that phenomenon? Here are some comments from non-native English speakers, and I agree with them: Paula, Italy: I am a foreigner, I studied your beautiful, elegant, expressive language as a foreign language, and I don't make spelling mistakes. Most of my friends and colleagues who also studied it as a foreign language don't make any spelling mistakes either. We're not an educated elite, we studied English in very average, ordinary schools, no more than three or four hours a week. How come British "students" cannot manage? Eve, Poland: This idea is ridiculous. Besides, I don't understand how people can make such mistakes in their own language. English is my second language and I wouldn't be caught dead misspelling these words. CC7, Switzerland: I'm not a native English speaker and yet I would write all the words in this list correctly. That's called "learning", and it should also -especially- go for native speakers! Wilma, Netherlands: My Dutch students were extremely surprised when I told them that lots of English people could not distinguish between "there" and 'their" and "it's" and 'its". By the way English is my third language. Raymond, Germany: I am a language trainer in Luxembourg and to give in to the bad spellers is a capitulation which signals how little respect British people have for their own language. German, French and even Polish speakers don't suffer similar problems because they are taught to hold their language in high regard. (...) I tell my international language training participants to ask Scandinavians or Dutch people how to write if I am not there to help. Furthermore, I know one British person at the place I work whose letters are corrected by his French boss because they are full of mistakes. Anthony, Malta: I learnt the English Language at a state school in Malta fifty years ago. Thankfully great emphasis was laid on this most important of languages then and now. Spelling mistakes were anathema. How can people, born and bred in England, be unable to spell words in their own language ? How low can standards in this once Great country get ? I mean really, how did those people get accepted in the university in the first place, if they don't know how to spell? I'm shocked, just like other non-native English speakers, and don't understand how someone can be unable to spell their own language - especially university students. To Vangorn: You're wrong, it's not true that in all other languages one letter always represents one sound. French spelling seems even more irregular than English to me, in Greek you have 5 ways to write the "i" sound, etc. But those people care about their language. And if foreigners can take effort to learn English properly, so should native speakers. To Pinguino: I agree that English spelling is more difficult than Italian, but they also don't seem to care enough. There are some rules in English too, but many people don't follow them. Some of them don't know some really easy things, like apostrophes for example. To Martina: Read it again. I didn't say that Maltese people are native English speakers; quite the opposite. To Bla Bla: I didn't say that all of them are bad spellers, but I have noticed myself that many native English speakers tend to be sloppy when it comes to their language. It seems like they don't consider the language important enough and it may also be because they don't learn foreign languages. Most Europeans I have talked to could speak at least 1 foreign language or even more, and their English was pretty good. On the other hand, many Americans, Canadians, Australians and even British had problems spelling their own language correctly.
Other - Education - 8 Answers
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1 :
Because our Brains cant SpellCheck!! ^_^ And parents are becoming really lazy when it comes to teaching their kids phonics... Teachers can only do so much!
2 :
I don't know why this is, but it drives me crazy. I attribute the problem to a few main things: People do not READ anymore, so they're not used to seeing things spelled properly. The other problem is there is not enough emphasis on spelling in school. With the advent of the Internet and spell-check, people have become really lazy about it. My kids have teachers who can't spell, and the schools don't even care! I have worked in newspapers for many years. Most of the new college graduates who are taking reporting and copy-editing jobs also cannot spell (and don't know proper grammar or punctuation, either). These are people who were English/Journalism majors in college! The problem is rampant. I see misspellings in national and local advertisements every single day. If those who write and teach English for a living cannot spell, I give up. Sometimes I think I'm the only person left who cares about proper English. It's lonely.
3 :
People can't spell in English because the language makes no sense with letters vs. pronunciation. In almost all other languages, writing a certain letter ALWAYS represents a certain sound. But in English, what sounds go with which letters are so varied and mixed up and there are so many variations that it's hard to keep them all straight, not strait. Consider, for instance: Rough, cough, bough, through all end in "ough" but you say all of them differently. Then all the "c" sounds: Cat, City, Chomp, Eschew. And even words that look the same can be pronounced differently or have different meanings. Buffet to pummel, Buffet a food spread, Bow and arrow, take a bow Live long and prosper, Live at Hollywood Lead on general, Lead poisoning polish the furniture, Polish sausage The soldier decided to desert in the desert before dessert. There are just so many damn (dam?) things that don't make any sense (cents?) in English. It's so hard to stay on track (not the train track, the thought track). See? (C?)
4 :
I remember Wizard Magazine reported the same, years ago :) Even more, they were surprised how foreign readers writing to them were used to use a far more correct English language than English native speakers from home (the US). I think the reason basically is foreign people tend to learn a sort of "official English" (that's what any school or course is supposed to do); an American person lives inside an English speaking society where the daily language is "bastardized", so they get used to talk that way. Foreign students who study English outside of an English speaking country are somehow "protected" by that. As for your reply to Vangom: the difference between a phonetic and a non-phonetic language is in a phonetic language there always are very specific rules about how to spell letters or group or letters; so it's true in a phonetic language you may face the same letter spelled differently or different letters spelt the same way, but all this IS regulated by rules: for instance in Italian "c" sound is English "ch" when followed by "i" or "e" while have English "k" when followed by a, o, u or h; so there "c" sound have the same spell as "q" sound, but there's no way an Italian speaker can spell "c" the wrong way, since we can follow a rule. Now in English, for instance, can you tell me according to which rule the "oo" sound in "room" and "door" are completely different...?
5 :
I truly must agree with Vangom2's and Pinguino's answers here. Apart from the things that had already been said, I've always been wondering for what reason "ea", like in "steal" and "ee", like in "weep" sound the same. In my opinion, only the pair of two "e" letters should be regarder as the long "ee" sound and "ea" should be regarded the same way it is in the "wear" word. Moreover, the varieties of reading "a" is also surprising. Compare, for instance: 1. Bar. 2. Cat. 3. Wander. It's hard to show the difference here, in writing, but everyone who knows English knows what I'm talking about. And as to the "writing" word - could someone explain to me how come the "t" letter isn't doubled, when (according to the rule) the "e" letter is crossed out when adding "-ing" and "i", as a vowel is positionized between two consonants, because personally I don't get it? Lat but not least: Why "every day" is written separately, when "everyone" and "everybody" is written being compound? This is also the thing that makes me wonder P.S. I'm native Polish
6 :
7 :
yes, we speak maltese in malta. we are not english. our national language is maltese, we are bilingual and we speak english with foreigners but not between us. however english education is very high and i am proud of saying that we have a high quality of language education. most of us are not only bilingual but also multilingual!
8 :
Whilst I often read and highly respect your answers, I have to say that this question is a bit of a sweeping generalisation to say that all native English speakers are bad in spelling At least in my generation (30's) at University you most definitely had to be able to spell, and this was even having to submit reports on the PC Naturally with the advent of computerised documents, it is almost second nature to rely on spell-checks and grammar checks (which of course are not 100 percent fool-proof). However from my peer group at least 95 percent consistently write English correctly including "their" "there's"!! P.S. - The Daily Mail is a tabloid paper and wonderful at sensationalising information and putting things into a different context. It has been found guilty of liable more times than I can count and also have more editors than I have had hot dinners. Therefore personally I do not consider it a very reliable source of accurate info

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Is this modern barbarism at work through the Democratic process? Is this why US of A is a Democratic Republic

Is this modern barbarism at work through the Democratic process? Is this why US of A is a Democratic Republic? In favor of the amendment to remove sexual orientation from the UN resolution on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions (79 nations): Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belize, Benin, Botswana, Brunei Dar-Sala, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, China, Comoros, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Cuba, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and Grenadines, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United Republic of Tanzania, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe Opposed to the UN amendment to remove sexual orientation from the resolution on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions (70 nations): Andorra, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bhutan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Micronesia (FS), Monaco, Montenegro, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Samoa, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Timor-Leste, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela Abstain (17 nations): Antigua-Barbuda, Barbados, Belarus, Cambodia, Cape Verde, Colombia, Fiji, Mauritius, Mongolia, Papau New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, Vanuatu Absent (26 nations): Albania, Bolivia, Central African Republic, Chad, Dominica, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Honduras, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Marshall Island, Mauritania, Nauru, Nicaragua, Palau, Sao Tome Principe, Seychelles, Solomon Islands, Togo, Tonga, Turkey, Turkmenistan I think it is an interesting study piece. The two Koreas are on either side of the issue. And do you think that it is interesting to see China against homosexuality?
Politics - 5 Answers
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1 :
They call it progress.
2 :
This is meaningless theater. Seriously, Afghanistan is pro gay??
3 :
UN my @ss...
4 :
Lots of us are against homosexuality, but do not hate homosexuals. Frightening that any nations would sanction by exclusion the extrajudicial, summary execution of anyone. Exception is terrorists, of course.
5 :
this is infidel world vs muslim world with china voting against just because it is against any kind of human rights in general and Russia on the other side just because its anti US.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

How does Schengen Visa work

How does Schengen Visa work?
We are (me with my family) are planning to visit Germany with Schengen Visa and are planning to visit nearby countries like, Netherlands Belgium Luxembourg Back to Germany France During this trip, we will also visit Switzerland and we are making arrangements for Swiss Visa also. As a concluding part we will reach UK and will return back. Except for UK, we will travel to most of the other places with Rented car hired in Frankfurt. (We are Indians, living in the UAE - Abu Dhabi). My questions are, What will be the formalities when we cross borders with in Schengen countries? Do we need any documents to show / provide to the border? Will there be stamping on passport at every border?
Other - Europe - 3 Answers
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free to pass with out passport except Switzerland which does not belong to the Schengen Luxembourg agreement. your only will get a stamp when you arrive in Europe at the airport. The boarders are all open just like in the States.
2 :
When travelling in the Schengen zone you will not encounter any borders unless there are exceptional circumstances where they are temporarily re-instated. I say this because Germany did this for the 2006 FIFA World Cup, and in June the European Cup takes place in Austrian & Switzerland this year so this may happen again (although as you are not travelling to Austria it should not impact you) When crossing the borders in/out of the Schengen zone (to the UK and Switzerland) then you will need to show your passport & visas, and indeed it may be stamped - this is at the discretion of the passport control person (I have been stamped entering the Netherlands at Schiphol airport even though I live here!) Enjoy your trip
3 :
There will be no formalities at the borders between Schengen countries. Visa-wise the whole Schengen area is like one country. Passing the border between say, France and Germany will be like passing the border between Rajasthan and Kerala in India. Note that if you visit Switzerland as you planned you'll need multiple-entry Schengen visa. Multiple entry Schengen visa is more difficult to get. I would personally think twice about going to Switzerland for this reason. Have you considered to visit first or last just after or before you go to the UK? If you went to Switzerland last, returned your car there and flew from Switzerland to the UK you would save yourself some visa trouble. You could also fly to Switzerland from the UK, travel around Switzerland by train and then pick your car up in Frankfurt.